Our revised Common Allocations Policy (PDF, 531 KB) was approved by the Council's Housing & Communities Committee in March 2019 and took effect from the 1 April 2019.
The revised policy was developed in partnership with:-
- Perth and Kinross Council
- Caledonia Housing Association (opens new window)
- Hillcrest Housing Association
- Kingdom Housing Association
Together these landlords operate a Common Housing Register (CHR) managing a housing stock of more than 11,000 affordable homes with a major impact in meeting housing need across Perth and Kinross. Operating a CHR, means there is a single point of access for housing applicants, regardless of the partner organisation they approach for assistance, thereby improving access to housing for people in housing need.
The Revised Common Allocation Policy prioritises applicants on the waiting list according to their housing need. To do this we operate a group plus points system. This means that you will be placed into a group with points dependant on your housing need.
There are 4 groups:
- Strategic Needs - for applicants that have an urgent or exceptional housing need such as looked after & accommodated children or serious harassment and abuse cases
- Homelessness - for people assessed as homeless in line with homeless legislation
- Transfer Applicants- for tenants of one of the three providers who have a housing need
- Housing Waiting List Applicants - for applicants that are not a current tenant of one of the three providers such as an applicant living in the private sector