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What is a complaint?

As your local Council, we are committed to providing high quality services. If something goes wrong or you are unhappy with our services, please tell us.

We regard a complaint as: an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more members of the public about the local authority's action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by or on behalf of the local authority.

What can I complain about?

You can complain about things like:

  • Delays in responding to your enquiries and requests
  • Failure to provide a service
  • Quality of service provided
  • Incorrect application of a Council policy
  • Attitude of, or treatment by, a Council employee
  • Failure to follow proper procedure
  • Social work services for adults and children.

What can't I complaint about?

  • A routine first-time request for a service or information
  • A request for compensation from the Council
  • Where there is a legal right to appeal a decision you are unhappy with, eg housing benefit, planning decisions or school placing requests. In such cases you will be given information on how to appeal.
  • Complaints about Councillors.
  • A complaint where you or the Council has started legal proceedings or has taken court action.
  • Complaints to do with planning applications that are still being considered, unless it concerns an aspect of service delivery.
  • A complaint that has already been heard by a court or tribunal.
  • Insurance claims.
  • A request for information in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.
  • A request for an explanation on the application of the law.
  • Most commercial of contractual issues.

Education complaints

Due to the size of the pupil population, schools have ongoing, sometimes daily contact with parents and carers when issues can be raised. Additional guidance for Headteachers regarding complaints has therefore been developed to ensure a proportionate approach to the complaints handling in schools. Complaints to schools will be treated as a Stage 1 (FLR) when it requires a response or action at Headteacher or school Senior Management Team level.


Your complaint will be kept confidential and details will only be shared with those people who are involved in the investigation process.

Last modified on 14 October 2021

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