We will be carrying out drainage investigation works on the B8019 east of the Queen's View Visitor Centre starting on Monday 18 November 2024, for up to one week, weather conditions permitting.
Following recent road resurfacing works, a surface water issue has been noted and these works are intended to identify the cause and resolve the issue.
Due to the available road widths and the working activities, a road closure is necessary to undertake the works safely and efficiently. To minimise disruption as much as possible, the road closure will only be in place between 9am and 3:30pm on weekdays only. Outside the working hours, temporary traffic lights may be used to ensure site safety.
The official diversion during the road closures will be via Tummel Bridge - B846 - Weem - Aberfeldy - A827 - A9 - B8019 and vice versa. Please see the map below, detailing the section of road that will be closed and the official diversion route.

Vehicle access to properties within the works site will be limited to when works allow, and it is safe to do so. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause. Pedestrian and emergency service vehicle access will be maintained throughout. On waste collection days, please present your bin as normal.