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Community environment challenge fund

The Community Environment Challenge Fund (CECF) can provide support and funding for community-led environmental projects.

The projects must be led and delivered by community groups, must make a significant difference to the local environment and be widely supported within the community.  In addition, there is a requirement for a long-term maintenance commitment for any projects undertaken through the Fund.  To be considered for funding the project must be accessible to the public.

Any of the following can be funded:

  • Equipment costs, tidy-up and maintenance activities and reasonable professional fees which are directly incurred in respect of the project.
  • Improvements to sports pitches and sports ground pavilions.
  • The Contributing Third Party (CTP) payment for the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund and other landfill providers.

Who can apply?

Applications must be submitted by local or national constituted groups (including those acting on behalf of others) and must be developed by community or voluntary organisations.

How to apply

Prior to application please read our  CECF Application Guidance (PDF) [975KB] and CECF Checklist (PDF) [360KB] .

Complete our editable CECF application form (PDF) [815KB]  application form and submit it along with all the required paperwork to

How much would the grant be?

The minimum grant request is £2,500 up to a maximum of £10,000.

50% match funding is required. For example, an application of £2500 would have a total cost of at least £5,000. The whole project can be of any size and there is no defined maximum project cost.  

Match Funding

Match funding can include the applicant's own funds, grants, or donations from third parties and/or support in kind. Preference will be given to projects where the match funding in terms of grants, donations, or the applicant's own funds is the larger proportion compared to the in-kind contribution. 

If you have any other questions regarding the Community Environment Challenge Fund, please contact the External Funding Team by telephoning 01738 475000 or emailing

Last modified on 16 June 2023

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