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Community benefits wish list

The Council is committed to working with communities and businesses to achieve social value from the money we spend.

This wish list and map highlights specific requests from community groups within Perth and Kinross who require some help in achieving their goals. 

Companies who tender for our works are encouraged to provide a community benefit offer in every bid they submit. 

Perth City (including Bridge of Earn and Errol)



14th Perthshire Scout Group, Bridge of Earn

Offers opportunities for young people to join their Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Groups.

Donation of labour and materials

  • Help in updating the local hall, by replacing windows, electrical wiring systems, replacement doors and improved finishing to a storage area (new ceiling and wall coverings).
  • A shelving system to store books, for a book swap area within the scout hall.

All Scotland (Perth) Accordion and Fiddle Festival

The Perth Festival is now in its 75th year and it always takes place on the last weekend in October. This year the Festival is on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 October 2025.

We are a working charity which has been running to encourage the growth and development of traditional Scottish musicians. The individuals who will benefit from any sponsorship or donations are the young and older aspiring musicians who use the festival as a practicing tool to compete at a national level. Local Perth businesses will also benefit from a greater footfall on the weekend of the Festival.

Donation of labour and sponsorship

  • Looking for help with advertising, marketing, and PR to generate visitors to Perth and the Festival.
  • To cover cost of production of the brochure.
  • Sponsorship for some of the classes (admin, trophies, printing etc).
  • All risks insurance for the day of the Festival.
  • Any help to pay for some of the invited adjudicators and performers.

Anchor House

A charity who works to overcome social exclusion, homelessness, poverty and unemployment for people in Perth and Kinross.

Donation of materials and other

  • Replacing cracked paving slabs at supported accommodation in Perth.
  • Temporary volunteer work placements for some of their people they support to help with their rehabilitation and support them back into work.

Andy's Man Club

A friendship group for men aimed at preventing male suicide with weekly events in Perth and starting in Kinross in March 2024.


  • Looking for activities for the club members to do to help them meet people and make them feel less socially isolated and improve their mental health. For example, gym membership, activity days, trips out - anything physically-related is especially welcome.
Bankfoot Scout Committee

Donation of money

  • £500 in order to be able to fix the boys toilet and surrounding floored area to improve the facilities for the boys in Beavers, Cubs and Explorers to use the bathroom. It would also mean the hall can be used by other groups in the Bankfoot community.

Beautiful Perth

Beautiful Perth is a local charity who maintain and develop the three large gardens at the Riverside Park, as well as several other sites around the city.

 Donation of labour and materials

  • As the result of an arson attack, considerable damage was sustained by the timber shed, as well as the loss of a significant quantity of tools. Help in demolishing and removing the fire damaged shed would be greatly appreciated so the site can be cleared, and the shed hopefully replaced by a metal storage container. The shed measures around 4m x 4m.

Beautiful Perth

Beautiful Perth is a local charity who maintain and develop the three large gardens at the Riverside Park, as well as several other sites around the city.

Donation of materials

As the result of an arson attack, donations of the following to replace equipment lost in the fire would be appreciated:

  • A 20-foot metal container to replace shed lost in the arson attack.
  • Garden tools such as garden forks, garden border spades, lawn rakes, leaf grabbers, half-moon lawn edgers and litter pickers.
  • A petrol mower to replace an old mower previously donated by a neighbour who was leaving Perth.

Beautiful Perth

Beautiful Perth is a local charity who maintain and develop the three large gardens at the Riverside Park, as well as several other sites around the city.

Donation of materials

  • Looking for a donation of plants, such as quality Rhododendrons, Hebes, Hydrangeas, Spirea, Hosta and Euonymus in 3-litre containers for the redevelopment of the Rodney Gardens, in Perth.
Bridge of Earn Community Football Club

Donation of materials

  • Help in providing container toilet facilities at Kintillo Park and require linking up water/drainage and electricity.

Duke of Edinburgh's Award - Starfish Way Project

A project transporting pupils from school to Megginch Castle, Errol, providing them with a space to do gardening, forest walks and talks and any other aspects which help them learn the benefit of nature and outdoors on their mental wellbeing.

Donation of labour and materials

  • Transport to and from schools to Megginch and a driver.
  • Gardening materials and office supplies.


Supporting refugees and immigrants who are learning English and engaging with support and activities, helping them towards employment, further education, wellbeing, and engagement with the wider community.

Donation of labour and materials

  • Require paints and labour for painting of several wall spaces.
  • Help with installation of a disabled toilet and shower, with wet walls and appropriate ceiling.
  • Electric work, to include lighting upgrade and compliance certification for all electrics.

Independent Advocacy Perth and Kinross

Donation of labour and materials

  • We currently have a kitchen sink in the toilet facilities area, which means we do not have running water in the room we use as a staff and service user kitchen. Items required are kitchen cupboards, worktops, appliances, and a running water facility. Labour is required for plumbing, joinery, and electrics.

JDC Scotland Darts

Encouraging young people to play darts and increase their social network by participating in local, national and international events. 


  • Help with funds or supplier to pass minibus test.

Jeanfield Swifts Girls Football Club Under 9s

A club introducing girls to football and empowering them to be active, resilient with a team spirit. They train twice a week and travel to play in festivals with other clubs in Dundee and Dunfermline.


  • Buying equipment for this group which is growing in size almost weekly.

Jeanfield Swifts Girls Football Club Under 13s

Two teams looking to retain girls in football, keeping them healthy and active at a time they begin to withdraw.


  • Help to fund activities to encourage them to remain in the game.

Jeanfield Swifts Girls Football Club Under 15s

An established team who have entered the National Performance League and travelling to play some of the best teams throughout Scotland. 


  • Funding for a new away match kit.

MCR Pathways at Perth Grammar School

MCR Pathways is a national, award-winning mentoring charity, seeking volunteer mentors to support young people in Perth Grammar School. Supporting young people in the UK has never been more important. Through no fault of their own, care-experienced and young people facing challenges are affected by a significant gap in outcomes compared to their peers. They aren't reaching their potential - but mentoring can change that.

Donation of labour

  • Just one hour a week with a consistent, caring adult can boost confidence, academic performance, and open doors to a brighter future. Our volunteer mentors come from every walk of life, background, and profession. No prior experience is needed. The importance of empathy, patience and commitment is key. All volunteer mentors receive comprehensive training, and our matching process ensures our mentors are paired with a young person based on shared interests.

­MCR Pathways at St John's RC Academy

MCR Pathways is a national, award-winning mentoring charity, seeking volunteer mentors to support young people in St John's RC Academy. Supporting young people in the UK has never been more important. Through no fault of their own, care-experienced and young people facing challenges are affected by a significant gap in outcomes compared to their peers. They aren't reaching their potential - but mentoring can change that.

Donation of labour

  • Just one hour a week with a consistent, caring adult can boost confidence, academic performance, and open doors to a brighter future. Our volunteer mentors come from every walk of life, background, and profession. No prior experience is needed. The importance of empathy, patience and commitment is key. All volunteer mentors receive comprehensive training, and our matching process ensures our mentors are paired with a young person based on shared interests.

North Perth Allotment Association

Comprises 14 plots including a community plot and garden.

Donation of materials

  • Two very large skips to remove hedge cuttings around allotment. Late September, or early October would be ideal.

Oudenarde Community Cabin

A community garden for residents to grow their own vegetables, soft fruit and fruit trees.

Donation of materials

  • Storage container to store garden equipment and overspill of items not in use from their community cabin.

Perth and Kinross Foodbank

Perth and Kinross Foodbank serve individuals, couples, families, and communities across the breadth of Perth and Kinross. In 2023 to 2024, we distributed 3,957 3-day emergency food parcels, feeding 7,739 people across every local Council Ward. Primary reasons for referrals include rising cost of essentials, priority debt, unexpected expenses, benefit delays and ongoing impacts of physical or mental health conditions. There is no common profile of a Foodbank user, in 2023 to 2024 we fed children aged 0 to 4 years, up to people aged 75 years and over.

We appeal to you to stand side by side with the communities we are rooted in and work together with Perth and Kinross Foodbank to end hunger for the thousands of people who access our services annually.

Donations of stock

  • Donations of stock to support the replenishment of the warehouse, and distribution of 3-day emergency food parcels for individuals, couples, families and communities across Perth and Kinross. Our Trussell Trust projection tool estimates we will require 20,000kg of stock between October 2024 to March 2025 to serve anticipated levels of need. Our most frequently needed items include tinned fish, small laundry products, long-life juice, toothbrushes, small jars of coffee, tinned main meals, and jars of jam.

Perth Drama Club

A local charity producing a wide range of plays to the community.

Donation of labour, materials and sponsorship

  • Looking for sponsorship, materials or labour to help install central heating in the club rooms.

Perth Strathtay Harriers

A running group with an outreach programme working with schools and the community throughout Perthshire. Club membership around 200 people with outreach session coverings more participants each year.

Donation of materials

  • Help with transport to competitions all over Scotland using buses and mini buses.
  • Help with transport to training sessions, sometimes for wheelchair participants.
  • Help with storage, security and replacement of athletic sports equipment.


A local charity supporting the wellbeing of people throughout Perth and Kinross, including unpaid carers, those recovering from mental ill-health, minority communities, older people, local third sector and volunteers.

Donation of materials and other

  • Food processor and a commercial coffee bean grinder to help clients to prepare food but also to ensure the smooth running of events for the general public.
  • Looking for support who could help with minibus transport, or gain access to some other, more reliable minibuses.
PKAVS Big Hoose

Donation of materials

  • Looking for donations of toiletries such as shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, nappies, and cleaning products to help support families with children and young people under 25 who are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis

Perthshire Pride

Donation of labour

  • Support from an experienced accountant or treasurer to help with their annual accounts.
Perthshire Women's Aid

Donation of labour, materials and sponsorship to help women who have experienced domestic abuse recover and build their new lives

  • Small household items, carpets and/or rugs and decorating materials for the women's new home.
  • Help with gardening and repairs at their refuges.
  • Financial support to cover transport and creche costs for groups.

Scotland All Strong CIC

A community interest company in Perth providing and promoting physical activity and mindfulness for wellbeing and mental health. 

Donation of labour, materials and sponsorship

  • Sponsorship to run programmes for groups of carers on fitness and mindful relaxation and "Fitness to Feel better". £900 will provide an 8-week course for 8 carers and will help to build their confidence, health and wellbeing.
  • Carers groups include Unpaid Carers (Young and Adult), Perth Autism Support, The Murray Royal, Young People, Mental Health and the LGBT+ Community. PKAVS Carers Hub refers people to use this service.
  • Help with window cleaning and light bulbs.

Services for Young People, Scott Street

Providing help to young people, including care-experienced and those who have faced barriers, to build skills and to help support them into employment.

Donation of labour and materials

  • First aid training to young people.

The Walled Garden and Wisecraft

Providing activities for adults aged 16 years and over in Perth, recovering from a mental health and wellbeing difficulties.

Donation of labour and materials

  • Arts and craft materials. Paint, pens, paper, glue, wool, material, card etc.
  • Gardening equipment, plants, bulbs, seeds, pots etc.
  • Catering equipment.
  • Volunteer assistants in hospitality, creative wellbeing, volunteer walk leader and driver.


Northern and Eastern Perthshire 



18th Perthshire (Bankfoot) Scouts

The 18th Perthshire Bankfoot Scout Group offer opportunities for boys and girls to have fun, learn and fulfil their potential. The Bankfoot Scout Group have a Beavers colony, Cubs pack, Scouts troop and a Scouts Explorer unit that meet weekly.


The Bankfoot Scout Committee is looking for a donation of £500 to be able to fix the boys toilet and surrounding floored area to improve the facilities for the boys in Beavers, Cubs and Explorers to use the bathroom. It would also mean the hall can be used by other groups in the Bankfoot community.

Alyth Youth Partnership

Sponsorship and donation of materials

  • Needs helps towards transport/entrance sponsorship or visit venues to take the young people on as many trips as possible.
  • Portable PA system for the drama group.
  • Sewing machines for young people interested in upcycling own clothes.
  • Art supplies, anything from paper to pens, craft equipment etc.
  • Benches/outdoor furniture for garden.
  • Hoodies/merchandise for young people who volunteer at community events.
  • Bike rack for young people to safely lock their bikes outside new drop-in youth centre.
  • Table football table - to provide a range of activities.
  • Food, drink, cooking equipment, eg pots, pans and utensils.

Blair Atholl Toddler Group

A local group run for the benefit of children aged under 3 years (and older siblings during school holidays) to support parents and carers in Highland Perthshire, where facilities are limited. 

Donation of labour and materials

  • Support to improve bathroom, kitchen facilities, updating decor or supplying storage solutions. 

Blairgowrie and Rattray Access Network

A volunteer group who help maintain the 32 miles of local path network.

Donation of materials

  • Lighter weight electric cordless rechargeable grass strimmers to help with maintaining the local path network.

Blairgowrie Rattray and District Pipe Band

A band who promote the playing of pipe band music and encourages young people to get involved.

Donation of materials

  • Looking for bagpipes, practice chanters, drumming equipment, glengarries, and spats for junior members who have recently joined the band.

Coupar Angus Pipe Band

Encouraging the younger generation to be interested in Scottish traditional music, helping it thrive in the future.

Donation of materials

  • New practice instruments including chanters, drum pads and sticks, drums and uniforms.

Elder Voice

A new charity connecting older people to services such as transport, befriending, shopping and more.

Donation of labour

  • Assistance with professional leaflet design and printing also signage.

Forward Coupar Angus 

A community-led development trust that produces a magazine for residents and visitors to find out what's on in Coupar Angus.

Donation of labour and materials

  • Design a master magazine template to accommodate index, sections and content space for various word count content contributions on a website.
  • Printing 600 copies of the quarterly community magazine, 24 pages in A5 size.

Girlguiding Blairgowrie and Rattray District

Empowering girls and young women to build skills and confidence to make a positive difference in their community.

Donation of sponsorship, labour or materials

  • Looking for donations of labour, materials and sponsorship to build a new hall. The new hall will also be used by community groups and available for private hire, creating a beneficial resource for the community.

­MCR Pathways at Blairgowrie High School

MCR Pathways is a national, award-winning mentoring charity, seeking volunteer mentors to support young people in Blairgowrie High School. Supporting young people in the UK has never been more important. Through no fault of their own, care-experienced and young people facing challenges are affected by a significant gap in outcomes compared to their peers. They aren't reaching their potential - but mentoring can change that.

Donation of labour

  • Just one hour a week with a consistent, caring adult can boost confidence, academic performance, and open doors to a brighter future. Our volunteer mentors come from every walk of life, background, and profession. No prior experience is needed. The importance of empathy, patience and commitment is key. All volunteer mentors receive comprehensive training, and our matching process ensures our mentors are paired with a young person based on shared interests.

Strathmore Centre for Youth Development

Operates a youth centre and community hub for a variety of groups.

Donation of labour and materials 

  • Help with minor repairs and maintenance for Wellmeadow House.
  • External grounds - care and maintenance such as weeding the driveway and cutting back overhanging branches.
  • Janitor/handyman support to call on when required.
  • Help with replacing some of the old and faulty windows.

The Walled Garden and Wisecraft

Providing activities for adults aged 16 years and over in Blairgowrie, recovering from a mental health and wellbeing difficulties. 

Donations of materials and labour 

  • Wood, DIY materials and woodworking tools/machinery.
  • Art materials such as paint, pens, paper, glue, wool, material, glitter, musical instruments etc.
  • Volunteer assistants in joinery woodwork, creative wellbeing, volunteer walk leader and driver. 

The Workshop, Aberfeldy

A local charity in Highland Perthshire teaching craft and design skills to under 25s and those facing barriers to employment.

Donation of labour, materials and sponsorship

  • Machine tools/equipment such as sanders, woodworking cramps, chisels, drill bits and sharpening equipment.
  • Labour and paint to improve the workplace.
  • Branded warn clothing for winter.
  • Office equipment such as filing cabinet, computer monitor, keyboard and stationery supplies. 


Auchterarder and Crieff Area



Crieff Community Trust

A local charity run by skilled volunteers who undertake projects to create social, environmental and economic benefits for their community.

Donation of labour

  • One day a month from a Finance/Accounts Manager to help fill the role of Treasurer for the Trust.
  • Help to manage a payroll and to ensure compliance with the current legislation.
  • Professional assistance from a quantity surveyor, architect/conservation architect with a knowledge of construction of contract management and energy efficiency in heritage building renovation. This is to support the redevelopment of Drummond Arms Hotel in Crieff which will increase footfall and investment into Crieff.

Muthill Baby and Toddler Group

Baby and toddler group who meet on Friday mornings at the Muthill Village Hall.

Donation of materials

  • Looking for a weatherproof storage space for a vast number of outdoor children's toys.

Muthill Village Trust

A charitable organisation aiming to deliver local projects from safe cycling and walking routes to Crieff and more. 

Donation of labour

  • Assistance with vegetation management along the first phase of the cycle path being built between Muthill and Crieff.

Strathearn Darts Academy

To serve the Strathearn area and promote the game of darts for the 6 to 17 years age bracket.

Donation of materials

  • Looking for a large screen (10" or larger) tablet to connect for Darts competitions on a national basis.





Friends of Cleish School

Donation of materials

  •  A small number of corrugated plastic sheets to replace wind damaged roof of an outdoor structure used by the children

  • Specialist art materials

  • Wobble stools so pupils who require the use of one all day have one available to them all day as opposed to having access for a limited time due to having to share

  • iPads/tablets to support the learning of all children

Kinnesswood in Bloom

A group aiming to make their village a pleasant place to live, work relax and welcome visitors. 

Donation of materials

  • Urgently need a concrete base (not slabs) laid for a new shed to store tools and materials.


For all communities in Perth and Kinross



Perth and Kinross communities


  • Staff volunteering to good cause.
  • Mentor local suppliers or small businesses.
Perth and Kinross communities


  • Sponsorship of a local youth club, sports club, community group or event.
Perth and Kinross communities

Donation of materials

  • Donation of materials to support a community project,
  • Donation of end of life products. 
PKC Skills and Employment Team, and secondary schools

Improving employability

  • Provide new full-time employment for a local resident offered a minimum of 3 months.
  • Provide structured training to a new entrant leading to CITB or equivalent recognised qualification.
  • Provide full-time employment for a minimum of 3 months to people previously unemployed.
  • Provide full-time employment for a minimum of 6 months for university or college graduates.
  • A range of work experience placements, either over 5 days or 1 to 2 days a week across the school year for secondary school pupils.
  • Career inspiration activities and workplace visits for secondary school pupils.
  • Work-based learning and mentoring opportunities for pupils and school leavers for secondary school pupils.


Last modified on 18 February 2025

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