The service provides advice and support to help people with health conditions and/or disabilities to find sustainable employment throughout Perth and Kinross
- Acquired brain injuries
- Autism Spectrum (ASD, ASC, Asperger's)
- Learning disabilities
- Physical disabilities
- Sensory loss
- Severe and enduring mental health conditions
If you want to find paid employment, the employment support team can help you. You will be able to meet with a Supported Employment Practitioner who will talk to you about what job you want to do and make a plan.
Information for individuals and carers
The service provides advice and support to help people with health conditions and/or disabilities to find sustainable employment throughout Perth and Kinross
Information for employers
The Employment Support Team values employers and understand their needs, therefore we can offer ongoing professional support and advice.
Employability training
The Employment Support Team deliver a Work Skills Course individually tailored to help people facing barriers to work.
Referral criteria and application forms
Information on how to access services for people with health conditions and/or disabilities to find sustainable employment throughout Perth and Kinross
Testimonials and feedback
Read what people who have used our service have to say about our support.
Employability Network
The Employment Support Team is a member of the Perth & Kinross Employability Network. We work in partnership with a range of partners to provide employment support, work experience, training and guidance for people who face challenges in the job market such as ill health, disability and other obstacles.
Accessible information
Sources of advice about accessible information and Easy Read documents
Contact the Welfare Rights Team
Most people claim benefits at some point in their lives depending on their circumstances. The welfare benefits system can be complicated and it is not always clear what benefits, if any, someone may be entitled to.