Are you looking for support or assessment for a child with a diagnosed disability, or a child that is coping with a chronic illness?
The Perth and Kinross Children and Disability Team is a small and specialist team of Social Workers and Senior Social Care Officers who strive to engage and support children, young people and families at the earliest opportunity. We work within the GIRFEC principles Getting It Right for Every Child.
Our aim is to enable children and young people to be the best that they can be. Once you contact us there are a number of ways that we can offer support:
- Advice, information and signposting to other services
- Support from our SHINE Team
- You may be entitled to assessments of your child's needs and your needs as carer/s (view Support for unpaid carers for further information) and;
- If identified following assessment, support through self-directed support
You may be entitled to an assessment of your child's needs, and your needs as a carer/s and;
- if identified following assessment, support through self directed support
- There is a criteria for accessing the team please see download
- To chat to someone about your child please contact us or fill in the referral form on the site