There are different methods to lodging complaints, and requesting service.
If you are unhappy about something around your home, you can do one of the following.
Request for Service
If your toilet breaks or your central heating malfunctions this isn't a complaint, it's a request for service. You can report the problem directly to our Repairs Service Centre on 01738 476000 (option 1) or contact your local area housing office.
Neighbour Complaint
This is a complaint about the behaviour of people who live near you and their visitors. Contact your local area housing office for advice and support
Environmental Complaint
You may be unhappy with the maintenance of your neighbourhood, including messy or vandalised garden areas, closes, pavements etc. Report the situation to your local area housing office who will be able to give advice.
Service Complaint
If at any point you are unhappy with the service we have provided to you, you can make a complaint under the Council's complaints procedure (PDF) [750KB] .
Reporting a complaint or serious concern to the Scottish Housing Regulator
The Housing (S) Act 2010 requires the Scottish Housing Regulator to make arrangements to enable tenants of social landlords to provide it with information about complaints and serious concerns. The Regulator has published this factsheet (PDF) [289KB] which explains how tenants can report a serious concern about their housing services.