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Support to childminders

The Childcare Strategy Team offer a range of support to existing Childminders and those going through the Care Inspectorate Childminder registration process. This support includes:

The Childcare Strategy Team can also offer support to individuals to help them with managing all aspects of their service including business planning, paperwork, policies, procedures and preparing for Inspections from the Care Inspectorate.

Contact the Childcare Strategy Team for more information about the help and support available to childminders in Perth & Kinross.

Guidance on Self Employment and Tax

HMRC has developed an e-learning course which guides childminders through everything they need to know about being self-employed, including Self Assessment, Income Tax, National Insurance, business records and expenses.  You can work through the course at your own pace and at a time that suits you best.  You don't need to do it all in one go, you can dip in and out as often as you like.

Last modified on 13 February 2025

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