To register / advertise your service for free on our find a childcare provider page, please complete one of the forms below:
- New service registration form (opens new window)
- New Childminder registration form (opens new window)
- Change of details form (opens new window)
Please be advised our find a childcare provider search only contains contact information, please only use the change of details form to advise of any contact detail changes.
Are you a parent and toddler group?
If your service has recently reopened after the national lockdowns, please update us using the re-opened/new parent and toddler group services form, this is suitable for support services, holiday and out of school care services, toddler and playgroups and play services.
Is your service planning to run activities this summer?
Please share with us details of the activities you plan to run this summer via our short form. We will share this information on our Social Media channels, and with families across Perth and Kinross.