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Coupar Angus Action Plan

The Coupar Angus Action Plan (PDF) [1MB] sets out:

  • What Coupar Angus is like at the start of 2023.
  • What matters most to the people who live, work and visit the town.
  • Key themes, priorities and actions to enhance Coupar Angus over the next five years.

The Action Plan has been informed by extensive consultation which took place between November 2022 and March 2023. Community views have been gathered from a survey completed by 171 individuals, and in-depth discussions with representatives of more than a dozen community groups and organisations. Seven local businesses contributed via a survey and meetings. The Action Plan has also been informed by the views of over 20 individuals from a wide range of organisations including Perth and Kinross Council (officers and Ward Councillors), Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership, NHS Tayside, Skills Development Scotland, Police Scotland, and TACTRAN - Tayside and Central Scotland Transport Partnership. Young people were also involved in the process with 18 P7 pupils from Coupar Angus Primary School describing what they liked and disliked about the town and how it could be better in the future.

Approximately 60 people provided further feedback and helped shape the proposed actions during two action planning drop-in sessions at Strathmore Community Hub in January 2023. The topics and discussions taking place on Coupar Angus' online discussion groups were also observed. A draft Action Plan was shared with community and public sectors stakeholders and the 25 responses received have been incorporated into the Plan. Thanks to everyone who took the time to share their views and inform this Action Plan.

Last modified on 07 February 2024

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