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Community car schemes

These services are made up of volunteers who organise transport to and from hospitals in the Perth & Kinross Council area. The scale of charges depends on the mileage and cost of fuel.

If you would like your organisation to be included on this page, please complete the Community Transport Group Details (PDF, 70 KB) form and email to

List of services

Abernethy (including Aberargie) Community Transport

The scheme is aimed primarily at those without a car at their disposal, to allow them to attend appointments—GP, other clinics, hospital, dentist, chiropodist etc.—or who have difficulty with shopping trips or visiting family or friends.

Contact personAngus Macintyre
Email address


Alyth and District Patient Transport Service

For patients of Alyth Health Centre requiring transport for hospital appointments.  Volunteers are fully insured and use their own cars.

Contact personLiz Gordon
Email address 
Telephone07599 220045

Blair Atholl Hospital Car Service

Information not available.

Community Transport Service

Community Transport Service is for older people who are in the Blairgowrie & Rattray areas and don't have a car, have poor mobility, find it difficult to use public transport or who live in rural areas with poor transport links.  Please allow 3 days notice before you wish to travel with us.

Contact personAlan McCombe

Comrie Hospital Driving Service

For Comrie and District. The Scale of charges depending on mileage and cost of petrol.

Contact personNeill Aitken or Morag Aitken

01764 670420

Craigvinean Surgery Hospital Cars

We offer transport to medical appointments for patients of Craigvinean practice, and patients should make contact through the surgery. We are also in need of volunteers and anyone interested is welcome to contact me using the information above.

Contact personFaith Anstey

01350 727499

Elder Voice-Befriending/Patient Transport Services

Connecting older people in Blairgowrie, Rattray and surrounding areas through our volunteer driver car scheme, ensuring that older people can connect to services and hospital appointments as well as social activities.

Contact personTransport Co-ordinator
Email address


01250 874269

WebsiteElder Voice

Kinross-shire Volunteer Group & Rural Outreach

We provide a voluntary car service to make life easier for people of any age to access the services they need, to hospitals, health centres, shopping or visiting relatives. If a volunteer is required please use our telephone.

Contact personCo-ordinator

01577 840196

Kirkmichael Community Transport Scheme

We provide a voluntary car service to make life easier for people of any age to access the services they need, to hospitals, health centres, shopping or visiting relatives. 

Contact personCo-ordinator

07876 311013

Kirkmichael Community Transport SchemeKCTS Leaflet (PDF, 917 KB)

Perth Access Cars

The scheme is administered by paid part-time staff operating from an office situated within Perth Royal Infirmary. The drivers are all volunteers and customers are charged for trips at a rate which reflects the running costs of the cars.

Contact personAnnette Munn

01738 639134

Pitlochry Hospital Cars

Information not available.

Tay Valley Connections (formerly Uppertay Transport)

We have a Transport Hub in Aberfeldy for the Upper Tay area and provide a voluntary Hospital and Community car service to enable people of any age to access the local community. Trips to hospitals, the health centre, shopping, visiting relatives or assisting passengers to connect with other rural transport services in the area. Our charges will reflect the mileage and the running costs of the car.

Contact personJean Christie
AddressThe Locus Centre, The Square, Aberfeldy PH15 2DD
WebsiteTay Valley Connections | Aberfeldy | Facebook

07388 236233

Last modified on 05 February 2025

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