Futures For Families is joint funded by Perth and Kinross Council and the Scottish Government in the effort to tackle child poverty.
The Futures for Families programme offers a tailored package of support to eligible parents. Whether a client is in, or out of work, they will receive relevant assistance to progress, with the ultimate aim of securing well paid, highly skilled employment.
Support can be offered to parents in one or more of the following categories:
- Lone Parents
- Parent or child with a disability
- 3+ children
- Minority Ethnic
- Youngest child < 1
- Parents aged < 25
This programme offers registered parents:
- Elev8 Training Grant (up to £3,500) - in-work support to progress, in the form of a skills and training grant
- Subsidised costs towards travel
- Clothing grants for interviews / entering new employment
- Digital Support Grant (£400) - towards the costs of a device/connectivity/data
- Self-Employment Grant (£3,000)
- Childcare costs (up to £3,000) - for the first 3 months whilst moving into work
Community drop-in clinics
We currently run a number of drop in clinics throughout Perth and Kinross. Clinics run in the following locations once a month:
- Coupar Angus
- Blairgowrie
- Kinross
- Crieff
- Auchterarder
To discuss eligibility for this programme or to find out about drop in times/locations, please contact our Parental Employment Key Workers at FuturesForFamilies@pkc.gov.uk or follow our Facebook page.