Voluntary Throughcare for those that are released from short-term prison sentences (under 4 years)
If you have been released from custody on a short-term sentence of under 4 years, you can ask for our support on a voluntary basis, either before release or at any time for a year after the release date. Voluntary support can help with practical matters, as well as emotional support.
Throughcare for long-term prisoners (4 years or over) or for those jailed for sexual offences
In some circumstances, prisoners will be allocated a worker from our service, usually when they will need to be supervised by us on release. We will keep in contact during the prison sentence, and attend the prisoner's annual Integrated Case Meetings.
There are a number of different orders and licences which will result in us being involved on release:
Supervised Release Order
If the Court sentences someone to less than 4 years in custody, but believes that they are a risk to the public, they can impose a Supervised Release Order for up to one year after release. This will involve regular appointments with us to address offending behaviour, and support with reintegration into the community.
Short-Term Sex Offender Licence
Any person convicted of a sexual offence and sentenced to between 6 months and 4 years in custody will be subject to compulsory supervision arrangements from the date of release until the end date of their sentence, which will include regular appointments with us, and a licence with conditions they must abide by, which is set by the Parole Board.
For further information, visit the Parole Board for Scotland website.
Parole Licence
Where a prisoner is sentenced to imprisonment of 4 years or more, they become eligible for parole when they complete half their sentence. Parole is only given if the Parole Board, informed by Social Work reports, believes that the prisoner is manageable in the public. If parole is granted, a licence is imposed with conditions that the prisoner must abide by. They will need to attend regular appointments with our service, and show that they are complying with their licence. Failure to do this can result in being returned to custody for the remainder of their sentence.
For further information, visit the Parole Board for Scotland website.
Non-Parole Licence
If a prisoner is not granted Parole, at a certain point in their sentence they will be released on Non-Parole Licence. Once released, the same conditions apply as on Parole Licence.
Extended sentences
For particularly serious offences, where the Court believes that there is a risk to the public, they can extend the period on licence by up to 5 years in the Sheriff Court, and 10 years in the High Court.
Life Licence
Once the years of punishment set by the Court has expired, Life prisoners will be considered for release by the Parole Board. Life prisoners will only be released on a Life Licence if it is felt that they no longer pose a threat to public safety. The licence will remain in place indefinitely, and will contain the rules that the Life prisoner has to abide by. They will need to attend regular appointments with our service, and show that they are complying with their licence. Failure to do this can result in being returned to custody.
Order of Lifelong Restriction
An Order for Lifelong Restriction is made by the Court following specialist risk assessment, where there are concerns that the person presents a high risk to the public. Once imposed, they will only be released from custody if it is felt that the risk has reduced. They will be subject to licence conditions and subject to recall to custody for the rest of their life.
For further information, view the Order for Lifelong Restriction - RMA - Risk Management Authority.
Pre-prison release/Day of release checklist for professionals
Develop Pre-Release Support Plan covering below as a minimum.
Tasks | Responsible |
Referral to Housing Options if the person is No Fixed Abode (NFA) (following completion of Safer Communities checks). Email TemporaryAccommodation@pkc.gov.uk or telephone 01738 476000. | Safer Communities Team |
Property sign-up checks of property, basic furniture. | Council Housing Support Worker |
GP practice registration (4 to 6 weeks before release) GP registration paperwork:
Email GP practice:
Guidance notes
Refusal of application for inclusion in the list of patients or for acceptance as a temporary resident
| Key worker |
Referral to Welfare Rights - Benefit check Referrals can be made to:
Welfare Rights staff also attend HMP Perth. | Key worker Benefit check completed by Welfare Rights Team |
Support for Families - Do the family need support?
| Key worker |
Starter Pack Starter pack referral (starter pack contains - duvet, covers, pillows, towels, dishtowels, pots pans, cutlery, plates, curtains (optional), milk, coffee, tea, cereal) - if required. | Key worker |
Employability discussion for those who request support (HMP Perth). | Skills Development Scotland |
Citizen Card - Scottish Prison Service staff (HMP Perth) complete Citizen Cards residents who engage. Check if Citizen Card application has been made for releases from HMP Perth - email Michael.Young2@prisons.gov.scot or Diane.Kelsey@prisons.gov.scot | Scottish Prison Service Key worker |
COMPAS card application (anyone looking for a gym membership) | Key worker |
Referral for Community Support Services Mental Health (including suicide prevention), if required. | Key worker |
IDART/Substance Services appointment arranged, if appropriate - telephone 01738 5644261. | Prison Healthcare |
Foodbank referral (if access to benefits not in place for release)
| Key worker |
Property access Check person has access to keys for property - if no access, contact PKC Housing on 01738 475000. | Key worker |
Release arrangements Encourage person to accept gate pick-up and agree list of priorities for day one. | Key worker |
Day of release
Tasks | Responsible |
Department of Work and Pensions appointment prior to leaving prison (if the person has engaged with the Job Centre) - initiate Department of Work and Pensions (Universal Credit) application. | Department of Work and Pensions |
GP Practice
Prison-based Healthcare
| GP practice Prison Healthcare |
Gate Pick-Up Support
Benefits contact details:
Be aware of backdated payment for those at risk of overdosing: consider supported spend arrangements. | Key worker |
Support the person to their property
| Key worker |
Employability - Referral to Job Centre | Key worker |
Agree with person date and time for next meeting and priority actions for next meeting Incorporate provision of support, if applicable, to key appointments including IDART, Justice, GP, accessing a dentist (details of which dentists are taking on new patients each month can be accessed via NHS Tayside ),other support services etc. | Key worker |