Information aimed at owners, managers and staff at local care homes.
Care home training
View the list of current courses which are delivered and supported by the Learning & Development team and partners across the Health and Social Care Partnership, voluntary and private sector.
Reporting incidents in Perth and Kinross care homes
Reporting to P&K Council (and resident from P&K):
- Providers must notify P&KHSCP within 24 hours of incidents and accidents. (event or near miss which has potential to cause injury or ill health, that affect the health, safety and welfare of service users).
- This should include the residents SWIFT / AIS number
Further information is available in our recording / reporting of Incidents in a care home (Word doc, 105 KB) leaflet.
For more information can be found on our Adult support and protection pages.
NHS Tayside care homes
NHS Tayside have in place a webpage for care home managers to access key contacts, clinical referral forms and training courses for managers and staff to access.