The most commonly accepted definition of Community Safety devised by COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) is "Protecting people's rights to live in confidence and without fear for their own or other people's safety".
Community Safety is therefore as much about how people feel rather than how statistically safe they are. The Community Safety Partners approach focuses on 'protecting those most vulnerable in Society from those most likely to harm them'.
Information and analysis
Effective, proportionate information-sharing is essential in tackling the many problems reported to the Safer Communities Team and the Hub. It is supported by the Admin and Information Team which has access to all Police and Council systems which ensure operations are well-informed and intelligence-led.
How to get help and/or support
Everybody living in Perth and Kinross has a right to be safe, healthy, secure, respected and included.
Our Support Services Contact Information booklet (PDF, 1 MB) contains details about who you can contact for help and support.
About the Safer Communities Team
The Safer Communities Team in Perth and Kinross comprises:
- Safer Communities Co-ordinators and Wardens
- Unpaid Work Team
- The Safer Communities Hub
- Public space CCTV
- Community Safety Projects
- Violence Against Women and Girls
Domestic abuse
We want to remind all staff that if you are at risk of domestic abuse, do talk to someone.
If you are in at risk of domestic abuse and need help or support then please contact the Safer Communities Team on or contact Jennifer McOmish on 01738 472565 who will ensure you will get the right help. If risk is happening now then please call 999.
Don't feel alone, there is always somewhere here to help!