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Council Expenditure

This section provides you with information concerning the budgeted expenditure of Perth & Kinross Council for Financial Year 2024/25 (covering the period 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2025) and indicates the Council Tax required to finance that expenditure.

The table below sets out budgeted expenditure by Council Service.  The Council has recognised significant financial pressures in preparing its budget including the effect of inflation and growth in demand for its services. The Council has balanced its budget within the resources available by identifying reductions in budgets across all  Services and applying Reserves.

Perth & Kinross Council has not increased Council Tax in 2024/25 (excluding Water and Wastewater charges set by Scottish Water).

Calculation of Council Tax

Perth & Kinross Council£m
Gross Expenditure519,226
Less Fees Charges & other income51,485
Net Expenditure467,741

Above net expenditure allocated by service


Net Expenditure £m

Band D Council Tax Equivalent £

Economy, Place & Learning262,1533,542.42
Strategy, People & Resources91,8131,240.65
Corporate Budgets (including Council Tax Reduction Scheme)8,321112.44
Capital Financing Costs16,628224.69
Health & Social Care87,4981,182.34
Tayside Valuation Joint Board1,32817.94
Financed by;  
(a) Government Grants(281,253)(3,800.52)
(b) Non-Domestic Rates(65,152)(880.38)
(c) Contribution from Balances(13,819)(186.73)
(d) Council Tax 2nd Home Funding/Single Person Discount(3,638)(49.16)
Total amount to be raised from Council Tax13,8791,403.69

Local authority employees

Perth & Kinross Council2023/242024/25IncreasePercentage Change
Budgeted full-time equivalent5,1465,185390.8%

The above figures include all Council staff, including those staff funded through the Housing Revenue Account.

Comparison with government provision for current expenditure

 £ per Band D Dwelling

Expenditure figure used by Government in Total Revenue Funding (Government Support) calculations. (this does not apply to all items.)

Proposed expenditure by this authority on a comparable basis5,969.23

Council Tax for 2024/25

The Council sets its Council Tax based on a Band D property and the level of Council Tax for properties in the other bands is calculated with reference to this. The Council Tax levels for 2024/25 are set out below and include no increase in the Council Tax (excluding Water and Wastewater charges) from the previous year.

BandProportion of Band D (multiplier)Council Tax 2024/25 (£)Council Tax 2023/24 (£)

Scottish Average Comparative Band D Council Tax for 2023/24 was £1,417.00

All of the above figures do not include Water or Wastewater charges.

Charges for Water and Wastewater

The Council is not responsible for setting Water and Wastewater charges but is required by law to include in its bill the charges made by Scottish Water for Water and Wastewater services. The level of charges is set by Scottish Water and is subject to scrutiny by the Water Industry Commissioner for Scotland and the Scottish Government.

Last modified on 08 April 2024

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