There are a range of council tax services available online. Please select from one of the options below:
- Set up a direct debit
- Make a payment
- Report a change of address
- Report a change of tenancy (for use by landlords or managing agents)
- Report a change in household circumstances
- Report a change of circumstances due to a bereavement
- Report the sale or purchase of an unoccupied property
- Report a change or error in your water/wastewater charges
Council Tax Discounts and Exemptions
- Apply for a single person discount
- Apply for a student exemption or discount
- Apply for an exemption or discount as a resident has a severe mental impairment
- Apply for an exemption or a discount due to being elsewhere to provide or receive care
- Apply for other exemptions or discounts for occupied properties
- Apply for other exemptions or discounts for unoccupied properties
Applications and enquiries should be made by the person(s) liable for the charge or, in certain circumstances, the owner of the premises. If you wish to authorise someone else to act on your behalf please complete and return a Council Tax - disclosure of information mandate. (PDF) [120KB]
Last modified on 04 May 2023