We offer a variety of ways to pay your non-domestic rates including Direct Debit, online and internet banking.
Annual Non-Domestic Rates are payable by 10 instalments from 15th May to 15th February or by any alternative agreement made with the Council.
Direct Debit - Non Domestic Rates
The simplest and most convenient way to pay your Non Domestic Rates is by Direct Debit.
Perth & Kinross Council's bank details
When instructing your bank to make payment by Bankers Order or through Automated Banking Services please use the Councils Banking details as shown below:
Late and non payment
Payments are normally due on the 15th of each month from May to February each financial year in accordance with the schedule contained in your most recent bill. For closed accounts and bills issued in the last quarter of the financial year a single payment will be requested.
Non-Domestic Rates credits and refunds
You may be entitled to a refund if your Non-Domestic rates account is in credit.