Our Home care service provides regular support to people in their homes to assist them with everyday activities.
Coronavirus and care at home
We understand that these are very difficult times especially for those who are more vulnerable. Our Care at Home teams are there to provide the vital support you need to live at home and maintain your independence. For the safety of care workers and the protection of service users we are asking that family members or friends who do not live in the household are not present when carers visit people that need support. Thank you for your consideration to help keep everyone stay safe.
During this time service users may not receive care from their usual carer, or the carer they were expecting.
Service users who have any symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus) should alert their Care at Home team as soon as possible. Please be assured that if you suspend any part of your service you will NOT lose you care package.
All staff in nursing and care services are following Health Protection Scotland coronavirus guidance and have robust infection control practices and protocols in place to limit the risks of cross-infection when we are visiting people in their own homes.
In every case this means that staff will use hand-gel or soap and water to wash their hands and they will minimise close contact where possible. If you have virus or cold symptoms they will most probably wear a face mask to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus between you and them, and other people that they may visit.
If you feel that home care services are not required at the moment, perhaps because family members are supporting you during this time, please let your care service know and they may be able to suspend or reduce your service.
Home care support
The home care service can support you in your home by providing personal care and practical domestic help in a way which fits in with your assessed individual needs and routines and those of your carers, providing you meet the Eligibility Criteria.
In general terms, home care staff can provide assistance with getting up, dressing, undressing and going to bed as well as with personal hygiene, such as going to the toilet, washing and shaving.
Household tasks are also carried out, such as bed making, laundry and some housework, but only as part of a more complex care package.
Assistance can also be given with meals. The worker could also collect pensions, go shopping and pay bills for you, but again, only as part of a more complex care package.
(We are currently updating our Home Care Approved Providers list and it will be available on this page soon)
Referrals will most often be through a GP, or a social worker who is already working with the individual. However, if you are not in contact with a social worker and would like an assessment of your needs to see if residential care - or any other type of support - is suitable for you, please contact the Early Intervention and Prevention Team on 0345 30 111 20 or email AccessTeam@pkc.gov.uk