Prepare a flood plan:
- Contact your insurance company to make sure you have adequate flood cover.
- If you observe a blocked road drain call 01738 476476 straight away.
- Stop flood water entering your property with sandbags. The Scottish Flood Forum also provides a list of flood protection products.
- Stock sandbags at your property in a cool dry place.
- Learn how to make emergency sandbags by filling pillowcases with soil or sand.
- Keep a 'flood pack' of batteries, a wind-up or battery radio, torch, first aid kit, sanitary supplies, bottled water, insurance policy.
- Consider arrangements for children, elderly family members and pets during a flood.
- Ask neighbours if they will need help during a flood.
- Make a list of contact numbers you may need in a flood: Council, Scottish Water, GP, relatives etc.
- Plan alternative accommodation if at all possible.
- During adverse weather, check flood warnings (opens new window) or call Floodline on 0345 988 1188.
- Place important documents, photos, personal items in a watertight container and move along with expensive electrical equipment to upper floors if you are in imminent danger of flooding.
If there is a severe weather warning issued:
- Watch what is happening. Is the weather getting worse? What are other people doing? Should you be doing the same?
- Move your car to higher ground if you can do this safely without risk to yourself. It only takes two feet of fast flowing water to wash a car away.
- Take measures to prevent water entering your premises, such as laying sandbags or pillowcases filled with earth across doorways and to block airbricks. To place a sandbag, lift it by the neck and place it across the doorway. Ensure it is bedded in against the door and frame. Make sure the neck is pulled back across the top of the bag. Layer sandbags in brick formation, ensuring that joints are staggered.
- Get children and pets safely inside your house.
- Be aware that floods can escalate very quickly.
Last modified on 09 June 2023