You should:
- Check water quality is drinkable. Contact Scottish Water on 0800 0778 778 if you are unsure.
- Wait for confirmation that it is safe to turn on electricity and gas.
- Get an electrician to check affected electrical products flood before using them.
- Wash hands thoroughly after contact with flood water or silt.
- Contact your insurance company, and make an inventory of all damaged goods, including food.
- Dispose of contaminated food in a black bag and put out with normal refuse. Contact insurers before disposing of anything.
- Take extra care when preparing food.
- Ensure surfaces are clean and disinfected and free from contamination.
- Keep food away from damaged areas that harbour germs.
- Keep exposed food in a sealed container.
- Make sure taps are clean before using them for the first time.
- Always wash your hands before preparing food.
- Do not try to salvage damaged food.
- Food containers with screw tops or snap lids should be discarded as they cannot be safely disinfected
- If there is a bottle-fed baby in the house make sure their water is boiled and do not use bottled water unless it is recommended by a doctor or health visitor. Some bottled water is unsuitable for babies.
- If you swallow mud or contaminated water contact your doctor immediately.
- Replace any manhole covers that may have become dislodged if you can do this safely without risk to yourself.
- Keep children and pets away from floodwater. Ensure affected areas have been thoroughly cleaned and dried out before allowing children to play on them.
- Check that paving has not become hazardous or dislodged
- Is your ground floor timber? Do you need to pump out water under the floor?
- Is your home secure? Do not leave doors unlocked if you are leaving your home empty.
- Beware of rogue traders trying to cash in on flood damage.
- Ask tradesmen for identification. All gas, electricity, Scottish Water, and Council staff carry identification.
- Clean and make safe any dangerous, contaminated and slippery surfaces.
Flooding can be a very traumatic event. If you need emotional or financial support there are a number of agencies you can contact:
- The Samaritans will provide emotional support and can be called on 01738 626 666.
- Contact your bank to try and arrange a holiday from mortgage payments if required. People caring for an adult can contact the Carers Centre on 01738 567 076.
- The Association of British Insurers (opens new window) provides help and advice on insurance matters.
Last modified on 11 August 2021