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Methods of voting

 There are three different ways you can cast your vote:

  • In person, at a polling station
  • By post
  • By proxy

Voting in person

The majority of people vote in person at a polling station.  Once you have registered to vote  you will receive a polling card before each election telling you which polling station you should vote at. You don't need to bring your polling card with you to vote in person. Polling places throughout Perth and Kinross will be open on polling day from 7.00 am to 10.00 pm. When you arrive you will be asked to confirm your name and address and then you will be given your ballot paper.

If you've never voted in person before, you can visit the Electoral Commission's 'virtual polling place' on the About My Vote website to see how straightforward it is.

If you are not able to go to the polling station in person on polling day, you can apply to vote by post or by proxy (someone voting on your behalf).

Voting by post

Postal voting is available for anyone - you do not need a reason to vote by post. You can apply for a postal vote for a particular election, for a set period of time, or for a permanent postal vote. Postal voting means that you can vote at home. Your ballot paper is sent to your home address.  Once completed you return your vote by post to the address provided. There's also a handy pictorial guide to  how to vote by post (PDF) [116KB] .

To apply to vote by post, visit the Tayside Valuation Joint Board (opens new window) website, or contact your local Electoral Registration Officer at or by calling 01738 630303.  Completed postal vote applications should be sent to the Electoral Registration Officer, Robertson House, Whitefriars Crescent, Perth, PH2 0LG.

Voting by proxy

Proxy voting is available if you are unable to get to the polling station because you:

  • will be away from home on polling day;
  • suffer from a physical disability;
  • have work commitments such as those in the armed forces;
  • are studying away from home.

Proxy voting means that you ask someone to act on your behalf. Anyone can act as your proxy as long as you are eligible to vote in the election and they are willing to do so on your behalf.

To apply to vote by proxy, visit the Tayside Valuation Joint Board (opens new window) website, or contact your local Electoral Registration Officer at or by calling 01738 630303. 

Voters with a disability

Everyone has the same right to register and vote. Polling stations must be wheelchair accessible. Some voters with a disability may wish to apply for a postal vote to allow them to vote from home.

Tactile voting templates and large print versions of ballot papers are available at all polling stations. You can take someone with you to assist you or ask the presiding officer at the polling station for help.

For further information on any aspect of accessibility visit the About My Vote website. Alternatively contact Perth & Kinross Council's Elections Team on 01738 475004 or e-mail

Voting information in languages other than English

By law, all voting materials are printed in English only.  However guidance notes are available on the About My Vote website in a range of other languages including:

  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Chinese (traditional)
  • French
  • Gujarati
  • Hindi
  • Latvian
  • Lithuanian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Punjabi
  • Urdu
Last modified on 13 October 2020

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