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Lost and stray dogs

We have a responsibility to deal with dogs straying on any land where the public have access including roads, parks, pedestrian precincts etc.

Reporting a stray dog

During normal office hours, Monday to Friday 8.45 am - 5.00 pm, phone 01738 476476 and let us know:

  • Where and when was the dog last seen?  The area where the dog was last seen will be visited as soon as possible. In certain cases e.g. schools or children's playgrounds we will attempt to be in the area within 2 hours.
  • Description of the dog
  • The owner of the dog (if known) or any details on the tag or collar

You may be contacted by a Dog Control Officer for more details or to arrange collection if you are holding the dog.

Outwith the office hours above and on Public Holidays you should contact Police Scotland on 101 or take the dog to your nearest police station.

If a dog is dangerous, you should contact Police Scotland on 101 particularly if the dog is near a school or another location where children are present.


Should you complain about anyone allowing their dog to stray, your name and address will never be given to the person complained about without your permission.  You should however be prepared to give us your name and address.

Reporting a lost dog

If you have lost your dog, please contact us on 01738 476476. We keep a register of all stray dogs we pick up and all lost dogs reported to us.

What happens to stray dogs when they are caught?

All dogs are taken to Perthshire Abandoned Dogs Society Kennels (PADS)

Owners of stray dogs should contact either the Dog Control Officer or PADS. They will have to pay the kennelling fees (currently £15/day) and a prescribed charge (£25.00). If the dog required veterinary treatment, any fees would also be payable.

The Council are required to keep and look after the dog for 7 days. At the end of this period they are given to PADS who attempt to rehome all stray dogs. 


Dogs (with very limited exceptions) in Scotland over 8 weeks of age now require by law to be micro-chipped.

Under The Microchipping of Dogs (Scotland) Regulations 2016, keepers (owners) are required to have their dog/s implanted with an approved microchip.

Keepers also have a legal obligation to ensure that the details registered against the microchip are accurate and updated as required, e.g. where a keeper's address details change or ownership of the dog is transferred to another person.

In the event of a keeper failing to comply with the regulations, officers have the power to:

  • take possession of a dog for as long as is reasonably required to check whether a compliant microchip has been implanted in the dog; and
  • serve a notice requiring compliance within 21 days.

If the notice is not complied with, authorised officers have the power to:

  • seize the dog to arrange for a microchip to be implanted in the dog (recovering costs from the keeper); and
  • report the matter to the Procurator Fiscal. This can result in a fine of up to £250.
Last modified on 07 October 2022

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