Perth & Kinross Council encourages dog owners to act responsibly and clear up after their dog. It is an offence for any person responsible for a dog, not to immediately remove and dispose of appropriately, any excrement after their dog has fouled.
This applies to any public open space including pavements, footpaths, roads, parks, recreational pitches, cycle ways, communal land, backstairs, closes, and any open land that the public has access to.
Offenders may receive a Fixed Penalty of £80, rising to £100 if not paid within 28 days. It is also possible that some offenders will be reported to the Procurator Fiscal with the potential of a fine up to £500.
An authorised officer can issue a Fixed Penalty Notice on their own, or based on sufficient and timely corroborated evidence.
Bag it and Bin It
Fouling must be disposed of in a responsible manner by depositing it in the nearest litterbin or your own domestic waste bin.
Litter or bin problems can be reported online or by telephone.
If they don't bin it - drop them in it
Reporting dog fouling
Report a dog fouling incident online
You can also use the form or telephone the Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476 to make us aware of any irresponsible dog owners who have failed to pick up after their dog.
With sufficient evidence we can issue warning letters or Fixed Penalty Notices against offenders. The Council's Operations service will also be informed of the fouling and will take steps to inspect and collect as necessary.
Incidents can be reported anonymously. If you do give your details, your name and address will never be given to the person complained about without your permission. However you should be aware that for us to proceed with an investigation which could eventually end in court proceedings we need to know who you are and your name may eventually be known to the offender.
We will consider the Guidance on the implementation of the Dog Fouling (Scotland) Act 2003 issued by the Scottish Government and The Environment Service Charter for Good Regulation when considering enforcement options.