Address | Carpenter House, Carpenter Street, Perth, PH1 5GB. |
Telephone number | (01738) 476600 |
Fax number | (01738) 476610 |
Services/ division based in this property | Corporate and Democratic Services - Information Technology |
Opening hours | Monday to Friday: 8.45 am - 5.00 pm |
Delayed office opening | This Council office will not open until 11.00 am on the first Thursday of every month. |
Parking | Yes - directly opposite the building |
Is there a set down point for easy access to the building nearby? | Yes |
Is access to the building fully wheelchair accessible? | Yes |
Are the building doors automatic? | Side door entrance is automatic for staff |
Are there priorities parking places on-site for people with disabilities? | Yes |
Are there on-street disabled badge parking places nearby? | Yes |
Is there a bus stop less than 100 metres away? | Yes |
Are there any lifts within the building? | No |
Are the toilets accessible? | Yes |
Is there a loop system for the people with hearing loss? | No |
Are there emergency evacuations procedures which cover people with disabilities? | Yes |
Last modified on 01 April 2022