Address | Area offices / Library, 26/28 Atholl Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5BX |
Telephone number |
Fax number | (01796) 474226 |
Services / division based in this property |
Opening hours (office) | Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 8.45 am - 5.00 pm (closed between 12.30 & 1.30pm) A dedicated freephone is available within the reception area to speak to an experienced member of the North Locality Housing Team who will deal with your enquiry directly or arrange an appointment for you. |
Delayed office opening | This Council office will not open until 11.00 am on the first Thursday of every month. |
Parking | Yes - adjacent to building |
Is there a set down point for easy access to the building nearby? | Yes |
Is access to the building fully wheelchair accessible? | Yes |
Are the building doors automatic? | No |
Are there priorities parking places on-site for people with disabilities? | Yes |
Are there on-street disabled badge parking places nearby? | Yes |
Is there a bus stop less than 100 metres away? | Yes |
Are there any lifts within the building? | No |
Are the toilets accessible? | No |
Is there a loop system for the people with hearing loss? | Yes |
Are there emergency evacuations procedures which cover people with disabilities? | No |
Last modified on 23 February 2023