Permanent carers provide a commitment to a child or young person until they reach independence.
Being a permanent carer for a child or young person will essentially mean that they become part of your family, but unlike adoption the legal responsibilities for the child or young person can be shared with foster carers.
Most permanent carers are either adding to their existing family, have been temporary carers to the child or young person or wish to care for children and young people whilst having the support of the team around the child.
Most children or young people are over the age of 8 and may be part of a sibling group. They will have experienced the loss of their birth family and have lived with temporary carers for some time. They need carers who will accept them as part of their family, reassure them that they are there for a long time and accept that there may be ongoing contact with their birth family.
If you think this could be a service you could offer or would like more information please contact our Family Based Care Team by phone or email, via the contact details on the right of this page.