Alternatively, application forms are available from any Perth and Kinross Council school or from Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth.
The deadline for submitting transport applications for school session 2024 to 2025 is Friday 10 May 2024. Applications received after this date will be considered after all other requests received prior to this date. Parents/guardians of Primary 7 pupils who will be transferring to their catchment secondary school (and who will be entitled to receive free school transport) should note that forms received after this date will not be processed in time for transport to be provided for the secondary school induction days which normally take place in June. Parents will be responsible for making their own transport arrangements until such time as late applications can be considered.
Concessionary transport will be considered for session 2024 to 2025. In accordance with the Council's Home to School Transport Policy, concessionary places will not be allocated until after the end of August to ensure that all entitled pupils have been allocated seats before allocating any concessionary places.
If I am refused school transport, can I appeal?
Parents of pupils who are refused free transport to their catchment school have the right to appeal to the Review Sub-Committee of the Learning and Families Committee, only on the grounds of safety or if transport is withdrawn.
Where appropriate, the Authority may provide free transport for pupils who attend a special school or specialist unit.