Off-site excursions provide a unique opportunity to enrich the lives of those taking part, whether it is a visit to another establishment, a trip to the local park, an adventurous activity or a trip to a foreign country.
Your child(ren)'s school will provide you with details of any trips they are planning.
Guidance has been developed to help all those involved in organising educational excursions to ensure that those taking part stay safe and healthy. It has been developed by the Outdoor Corporate Advisory Group (OCAG), a group made up of officers from across the Council who have an interest in improving practice and supporting staff involved in organising educational excursions and activities. It acknowledges that all excursions and activities require to be, where practicable and in accordance with any reasonable adjustments which can be made, available and accessible to all who wish to participate, irrespective of additional support or medical needs, ethnic origin, sex, religion, etc. It is directed mainly towards staff in schools, those leading community learning and development groups, sports development staff, music tuition staff and similar activity co-ordinators.
has been developed to assist staff to go through the planning process.
The guidance will also be of use and can be interpreted to meet the needs of social services staff, countryside rangers, leisure and recreation staff and other staff across the Council who may be involved in organising or leading educational excursions. This document offers advice and guidance but also clearly sets out the Council policy on excursion practice. It is based on the Health and Safety on Educational Excursions document from the Scottish Government.
The EVOLVE online system has now been launched to simplify the process of planning, processing, monitoring, evaluating and reporting on off-site visits. Therefore, no paper forms will be accepted from the start of school session 2014 to 2015.
The EVOLVE system supports the current Perth & Kinross Council Excursions Policy and Procedures (PDF) [2MB] , as well as the national guidance 'Going Out There' which was launched in June 2013, and has replaced and improved on the previous paper-based system.