The safety and protection of children and young people in Perth and Kinross is everyone's responsibility and the Child Protection Committee (CPC) recognise the importance of providing high quality learning and practice development opportunities to support the multi-agency workforce to feel confident and competent when faced with a concern about a child or young person's wellbeing and / or protection.
Perth and Kinross CPC deliver an annual programme of high quality in-person learning and practice development opportunities to inter-agency staff and volunteers who work directly or indirectly with infants, children, young people and their families. This comes at no cost to practitioners or Agencies / Services.
Please read on to find out how to access our popular learning and practice development opportunities.
Public Protection Learning and Development
Child Protection sits within the wider agenda of Public Protection which includes adult support and protection, violence against women, substance use, and suicide prevention.
Public protection learning and development opportunities can be explored on the Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Learning and Development Website.
Essential eLearning
Perth and Kinross Council require every member of their staff to complete three essential Protecting People eLearning Modules (Child Protection, Adult Support and Protection and GIRFEC). We also provide free module access to all practitioners, managers, supervisors, carers and volunteers from any agency or service (public, private and third sectors) in Perth and Kinross. The modules take around 30 minutes each to complete.
By undertaking these modules first, you will have a strong foundation from which to build on your learning.
You can access these modules instantly online:
- Essential Child Protection eLearning Module
- Essential Getting it Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) eLearning Module
- Essential Adult Support and Protection eLearning Module
Inter-Agency Child Protection Learning and Development Pathway and Annual Programme
Perth and Kinross CPC are committed to empowering and supporting a competent, confident and skilful multi-agency child protection workforce through the provision of regular in-person learning, practice development and networking opportunities.
Each year by the 31 July, Perth & Kinross CPC Practice Improvement Working Group publish and widely circulate the CPC Inter-Agency Child Protection Learning and Development Pathway and Annual Programme.
This document
- Maps the four learning and development routes for each workforce group and guides practitioners to what inter-agency child protection learning and development opportunities they should undertake.
- Details all available Inter-agency Child Protection Learning and Development opportunities delivered, funded and / or commissioned by Perth and Kinross CPC.
- Includes course delivery dates across the year and smart links to book onto courses directly.
This document is further supported by a quarterly training newsletter which highlight upcoming inter-agency child protection learning opportunities, Community of Practice Events and learning for emerging themes.
Perth and Kinross CPC Inter-agency Child Protection Training Newsletter - Autumn / Winter 2024.
CPC Child Protection Community of Practice
Perth and Kinross CPC Child Protection Community of Practice (CoP) is a multi-agency peer network which meets in person to explore key child protection themes, share knowledge and learn together.
Any practitioner working in Perth and Kinross who has a professional interest in child welfare and protection can freely access the Child Protection Community of Practice, shared learning events and practice resources.
To find out more, please access our Child Protection CoP Padlet and print and display the Information Poster for Staff (PDF, 332 KB) in the your workplace.
Data Protection
On behalf of the CPC, Perth and Kinross Council Children, Families and Justice Service staff, gather, process and store the personal information of course applicants, for the purpose of managing the course register and quality assuring, the CPC inter-agency child protection learning and development programme.
All personal information provided by applicants will be retained and stored securely in strict compliance of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and The Data Protection Act 2018 and the Perth and Kinross Council Data Protection Policy
Personal information will not be kept for longer than is necessary to process and evaluate the programme. Personal information of applicants will be deleted after the evaluation process is complete.
All applicants will be asked to read a statement about how their personal information will be used and confirm that they understand and accept the statement.
Where appropriate, information may be shared with partner organisations; groups; service representatives; internal and external training facilitators and line managers - but only for the purposes of processing, delivering and quality assuring our learning and development courses and ensuring the wellbeing and protection of children and young people.