We provide a huge range of services that impact on every aspect of people's lives.
The Council is strategically led by Chief Executive, Thomas Glen, supported by Clare Mailer, Depute Chief Executive and Jacquie Pepper, Director/Chief Officer of the Health and Social Care Partnership. They are supported by Strategic Leads responsible for leading on delivery of our Corporate Plan 2022/23 to 2027/28 vision and priorities and providing services to residents, businesses and working with partners.
Children, Families and Justice
Strategic Lead and Chief Social Work Officer - Arun Singh
Responsible for:
- social work services for children, young people and families
- integrated services for young people
- criminal justice social work service
- unaccompanied asylum seekers
Lead/Co-lead for Corporate Priority:
- Enabling our children and young people to achieve their full potential
- Protecting and caring for our most vulnerable people
- Supporting and promoting physical and mental wellbeing
Customer and Digital Services
Strategic Lead - Alan Taylor
Responsible for:
- customer services
- online, digital and mobile services
- digital skills
- ICT asset management
- housing repairs helpdesk
- registration services
Economy, Development and Planning
Strategic Lead - Serge Merone/ David Littlejohn
Responsible for:
- sustainable and smart investment
- business and place
- estates and commercial investment
- employability, skills and special skills
- development management
- building standards
- transport planning
- housing and planning strategy
- place development
- roads infrastructure
- culture and physical activity/sport strategies and relationships with Arms Length External Organisations (ALEOs)
Lead/Co-lead for Corporate Priority:
- Developing a resilient, stronger and greener local economy
- Supporting and promoting physical and mental wellbeing
Education and Learning
Interim Strategic Lead and Chief Education Officer - Bernadette Martin-Scott
Responsible for:
- early learning and childcare
- childcare strategy
- parental support
- schools
- inclusion
- developing young workforce
- parental involvement
- Gaelic education and development
- delivery of our Education Improvement Plan (PDF, 2 MB)
Lead/Co-Lead for Corporate Priority:
Environment and Infrastructure
Strategic Lead - Fraser Crofts
Responsible for:
- structures
- roads maintenance
- flooding
- waste services
- street lighting
- traffic and network
- direct services
Lead/Co-lead for Corporate Priority:
Finance and Business Support
Strategic Lead and Chief Financial Officer/Section 95 Officer - Scott Walker
Responsible for:
- strategic financial management
- capital investment
- financial administration
- business administration
Housing and Communities
Strategic Lead - Elaine Ritchie
Responsible for:
- Council housing support and management
- homelessness
- refugee and resettlement support
- operational resilience planning and response
- Safer Communities/ public protection
- parks and greenspaces
- trading standards
- environmental health
- parking services
- public transport unit
- community engagement
- community asset transfer
- community councils
Lead/Co-lead for Corporate Priority
Legal and Governance
Strategic Lead and Monitoring Officer - Lisa Simpson
Responsible for:
- legal services
- licensing
- information governance
- internal audit
- committee/democratic services
- corporate procurement
Projects and Programmes
Strategic Lead - Charlene Guild
Working across the organisation to lead on a range of change and service improvement initiatives.
Property Services
Strategic Lead - Stephen Crawford
Responsible for:
- maintenance, compliance and energy in corporate buildings
- project management, design and procurement
- housing capital projects and new build
- facilities management
Strategic Planning, People and Performance
Strategic Lead - Greg Boland
Responsible for:
- anti-poverty strategy and policies
- equalities
- strategic planning and performance
- community planning
- locality planning
- community empowerment/ engagement
- business continuity and resilience planning
- internal people and culture
- payroll
- health and safety
- risk
- media and communications
- research and consultation
- transformation and change
- business improvement
Lead/Co-Lead for Corporate Priority: