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Trees and Tree Preservation Orders

Tree groups, tree lines and individual trees are often important features of conservation areas and contribute to their overall character. It is therefore crucial that we operate special controls which help conserve and enhance the character of the area for environmental amenity value as well as conservation. Some trees have already been assessed on an individual or group basis and have been granted a Tree Preservation Order (TPO).

You can check the location of any nearby TPO by searching our interactive map.

What is a Tree Preservation Order?

A TPO exists for individual or groups of trees which have been considered and assessed as adding value and amenity to the community and environment. Any management work to trees which are subject to a Tree Preservation Order requires consent from the planning authority. If you believe a protected tree is under threat or even wish to propose a tree for TPO assessment, please use our General enquiry form.

When we plan to promote a new TPO, we will publish the promotion notice and associated order.

Taymouth Castle Tree Preservation Order (No 1) 2025

The Council as planning authority has promoted a Tree Preservation Order to specifically protect 5 trees at Taymouth Castle, Kenmore.  Whilst this Order took effect on 4th February 2025, there is an opportunity for written submissions to be made prior to the planning authority deciding to confirm the Order.  The Promotions Notice contains information as to when comments must be submitted by, and to whom they should be sent. The Order contains details of the affected trees, relevant matters and a site map.

Is it an offence to cut down a tree?

All trees in conservation areas are protected if they have a stem diameter of 75 millimetres measured at 1.5 metres from ground level. It is an offence for any person to cut, lop, top, uproot, willfully damage or destroy any tree located within a conservation area or covered by a Tree Preservation Order unless notification has been made to the local planning authority and consent has been granted.  Failure to notify may result in enforcement action.

Six weeks' notice should be given to the planning authority for proposed tree works to allow time to consider making a TPO. When an application proposes tree felling, we recommend a replacement tree or trees are planted within the property boundary.

How do I apply?

You can apply online to carry out tree works via the portal. Further information about the level of information that we would expect to receive as part of a submission can be found in our Application Checklist section.

Last modified on 11 February 2025

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