On 23 July 2019, we took over the trade waste collections from Wyllie Recycling Limited
Summary of services available
Food waste collections
For those businesses required to recycle , we can provide a comprehensive collection for cooked and uncooked food waste including preparation, spoilage, plate scrapings and out-of-date food waste. You can also recycle kitchen roll and paper napkins through this service.
Paper and cardboard recycling
To ensure continuation of service, we will continue to collect paper and cardboard from former Wyllie customers. We can offer a range of container sizes to fit your business needs.
What can I recycle?
Customers can recycle all paper and cardboard including:
- Cardboard boxes and packaging
- Office paper and enveloped
- Newspapers and magazines
- Directories and books
- Unwanted mail
- Cardboard tubes Waste (Scotland) Regulations
All businesses and organisations are required by law to recycle their paper, cardboard, rigid plastic packaging and cans. The Paper & Cardboard service provides a flexible and effective way for you to dispose of your paper and cardboard for recycling. Container and collection options We have a wide range of container sizes, from bags to bins and skips, to meet your business needs. We offer flexible and reliable collections to all parts of Perth and Kinross.
Dry mixed recycling
All businesses and organisations are required to recycle their paper, cardboard, rigid plastic packaging, cans and cartons. We can offer a in various sizes to meet your business needs.
Glass recycling
All businesses and organisations are required to recycle all . We can offer a range of collection options and containers to suit your business.
General non-recyclable waste
We can offer an efficient and reliable commercial waste service for the uplift of that could not be reused or recycled.
Ad-hoc collections
We can provide collections on request for customers. If you wish to arrange an ad-hoc collections, please ensure you call to arrange before 4pm on the day prior to your regular uplift day. This will ensure we can make appropriate arrangements.
Any additional collections will be made the next time we are in your area. Please use the number below to contact our customer service centre which operates between 8.45am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Need to get in touch?
If you have any queries regarding service, contract amendments or financial questions, please call 01738 476476 or email CommercialWasteTeam@pkc.gov.uk.
If you wish to report a missed uplift, you can do this online or contact directly using the details above.
Invoicing and ways to pay
We will continue to invoice monthly, as per your previous contract agreement, however you can update the way you pay. Please view our Way to Pay sheet (PDF, 223 KB) for more information.
The first invoices issued by the Commercial Waste Team will go to customers at the beginning of September.