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Day care

Day care services in Perth and Kinross are one of the ways in which we support people to remain independent and active members of their local communities.

Who are day services for?

Day services for older people play an important social role in supporting people to meet with others in their own age group, and take part in activities which interest them either within a day centre, or in the community with support.

How can I get a referral to day services?

Referrals will often be through a GP, or a social worker who is already working with the individual. However, if you are not in contact with a social worker and would like an assessment of your needs to see if day services - or any other type of support - is suitable for you, please contact the Early Intervention and Prevention service on 0345 30 111 20 or email

New Rannoch Day Centre

Supporting older people with dementia to live an active and fulfilling life

Strathmore Day Opportunities

Strathmore Day Opportunities provides a Day Opportunities service for older people, including those with dementia. We support individuals to lead more active and interesting lives in their community.

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