There are a number of signs, symptoms and indicators which may alert you that a child or young person is at risk of CSE:
- Staying out late or regular episodes of being missing overnight or longer without permission
- Reduced contact with family and friends and/or other support networks
- Multiple callers to home (unknown adults/older young people)
- Evidence of/suspicion of physical or sexual assault; disclosure of assault followed by withdrawal of an allegation
- Unplanned pregnancy; repeat sexually transmitted infections (STIs); terminations; high number of sexual partners
- Peers involved in sexual exploitation
- Exclusion, truancy or unexplained absences from school or college
- Relationships with controlling adults
- Entering/leaving vehicles driven by unknown adults or taxicabs
- Frequenting areas known for known on/off street sexual exploitation (prostitution)
- Children under 13 years asking for sexual health advice
- Concerning use of the internet/mobile phone
- Acquisition of money, clothes, mobile phone etc without plausible explanation
- Receiving lots of texts/phone calls prior to leaving
- Agitated/stressed prior to leaving home/care
- Returning distraught/dishevelled or under the influence of substances
- Requesting emergency hormonal contraception (the morning after pill) upon return from an unexplained absence
- Inappropriate sexualised behaviour for age and development
- Physical signs of bruising or bite marks
- New peer groups
- Significantly older 'boyfriend' or 'girlfriend'
- Increasing secretiveness around behaviours
- Change in personal hygiene (greater attention or less attention
- Overtly sexualised dressing
- Self harm and other expressions of despair
- Evidence or suspicion of substance misuse/alcohol and drug use
- Gang member or association
- Risks associated with the Internet:
- Grooming children or young people on-line for sexual abuse offline
- Children viewing abusive images of children/pornographic images
- Selling children or young people on-line for abuse offline
- Making abusive images of children or young people
- Viewing abusive images of children or young people
- Access to contact sites; chat lines via the internet or mobile phones
- Sexting
Last modified on 18 October 2018