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Other consents and permissions application checklists

Submission checklists relating to applications for all other planning permissions and consents

All plans should be titled, include the site address, have a drawing number and revision number where applicable.

Please ensure that all 'Do Not Scale' disclaimers that may be on your plans or drawings are removed or reworded e.g. 'scale for planning purposes only' or 'do not scale for construction purposes'.  You should be aware that we may need to scale from your drawings if the accuracy of the development is questioned after completion.  We will expect the development to be carried out in accordance with the approved planning drawings.

Due to copyright laws, if the drawings or plans you plan to submit have been drawn by an agent who is not going to act on your behalf as part of the planning application process, you should provide written confirmation from them confirming that you have permission to use the drawings for this application. 

Please note that you may also require listed building consent, conservation area consent, a building warrant and/or vehicular access consent (VA1). Your development may also be subject to developer contributions

Advertisement consent

Document or DrawingDescription
Application Form and Land Ownership Certificate

A display of advertisement application should be completed online on the e-planning website.


The current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website

Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  • At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should be around the building or land that the advertisement(s) is to be displayed and be shown as one continuous line
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plan

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • The location of the proposed advertisement(s)
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Elevations of building

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:50 or 1:100. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • Existing and proposed advertisements in relation to the rest of the building there and show the whole building elevation
  • Each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing  
Signage Elevations

At a scale of 1:10 or 1:20. These must; 

  • Show an accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • Be marked in colours that resemble the proposed materials
  • If to be fixed to a building, be cross referenced with the full elevations
  • If free standing or attached to a free standing structure, show the entire structure
Cross Sections

If the proposed advertisement isn't painted directly on to an existing building or structure, this information is required.

At a scale of 1:10 or 1:20. These must;

  • Show an accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • Show the projection of the advertisement from the building façade or structure
Internally or externally illuminated signage

If the signage is to be internally illuminated you must;

  • Show luminescence details on the cross section drawing
  • Provide a manufacturers brochure or technical specification

If the signage is to be externally illuminated you must;

  • Show the fixtures on the elevations of the building or structure
  • Provide a manufacturers brochure or technical specification


The RAL colour chart code (or equivalent) of all proposed colours should be provided. If you are proposing different colours in different locations of the building, this should be clearly and accurately detailed within a written statement or annotated on the relevant drawings.  


Certificate of lawfulness

Use (existing and proposed)

Document or DrawingDescription
Application FormA certificate of lawfulness for existing or proposed use or development application should be completed online on the e-planning website.
FeeThe current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website.
Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show; 

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  • At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should be around the curtilage (dwelling and garden ground) or the building/structure and be shown as one continuous line
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or other dwellings/buildings
  • All surrounding buildings accurately and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plan

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • The building or structure clearly identified
  • The extent and materials of any existing hard surfacing
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Floor Plans 

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

Ideally at a scale of 1:50/1:100 or fully dimensioned. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar (if drawn to scale)
  • The layout and use of all rooms (e.g. room names)

If your application relates to an existing use and would have required planning permission this information must be submitted.

Should provide;

  • If a building has been changed use to a dwellinghouse or flat evidence of a minimum of 4 years of consecutive use. This can include
  • If the building or land has changed use to something other than a dwellinghouse or flat, evidence of a minimum 10 years consecutive use


Development (existing and proposed)

Document or DrawingDescription
Application FormA certificate of lawfulness for existing or proposed use or development application should be completed online on the e-planning website.
FeeThe fee required depends if the development is existing or proposed and what the proposed development is for. The current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website.
Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  • At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should be around the curtilage (dwelling and garden ground) or the building/structure and be shown as one continuous line
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or other dwellings/buildings
  • All surrounding buildings accurately and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plan

(existing and  proposed versions must be submitted)

If your application relates to the extension or erection of a building or structure then this must be submitted.

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  •  A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • The building or structure clearly identified
  • The extent and materials of any existing hard surfacing
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan


(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

Ideally at a scale of 1:100 or fully dimensioned. These must show:

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • Each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing  

Floor Plans

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

If your application relates to the extension or erection of a building then this information must be submitted.

Ideally at a scale of 1:50/1:100 or fully dimensioned. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar (if drawn to scale)
  • The layout and use of all rooms (e.g. room names)

These are not a requirement however if your application relates to existing development it is useful to submit them for reference.

These must;

  •  Show each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing
  • Be recently taken and provided in colour

If your application relates to an existing development and would have required planning permission this information must be submitted.

Should provide;

  • If works were undertaken to a building or land evidence of the works being carried out a minimum of 4 years ago



Prior notification

Agriculture (buildings or tracks)

Document or DrawingDescription
Application FormA prior notification application should be completed online on the e-planning website.
FeeThe current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website.
Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  •  At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should be around the building and /or track and be shown as one continuous line
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue including the agricultural unit, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plan 

(existing and proposed version must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted.
  • The proposed building or extension clearly identified
  •  The extent and materials of any hard surfacing, existing and proposed (e.g. gravel, slabs, tarmac)
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
  • The location of all proposed drainage such as culverts
  • The route of access to the site from the nearest public road

If you are applying for erection or extension to an agricultural building this information must be submitted.  

Ideally at a scale of 1:100 or fully dimensioned. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar (if drawn to scale)
  • The proposed building or extension in relation to what is already there and show the whole building elevation
  • All sides of the development
  • Each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing
  • Material finishes
Floor Plans

Ideally at a scale of 1:50/1:100 or fully dimensioned. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar (if drawn to scale)   
  • The layout and use of the floor area
Typical SectionsIf you are proposing the alteration or formation of access tracks typical cross sections must be submitted. 


Agriculture (peatland restoration)

Document or Drawing Description
Application FormA prior notification application should be completed online on the e-planning website.
FeeThe current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website.
Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a suitable scale, this must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should be around the Peatland Restoration site and be shown as one continuous line
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
Peatland Restoration Scheme

A detailed Peatland Restoration Scheme document that sets out the work to be carried out, to affected areas of peatland, including details of any measures to mitigate:

  • Impacts of the proposed development on archaeology
  • The risk of contamination or flooding as result of the development
  • The impacts of the proposed development on soil
  • The removal, felling, lopping or topping of any trees

Site Plan

(existing and proposed versions must be submitted)

Although not a validation requirement, where the peatland restoration works relate to a single or multiple sites or phases, scaled inset site plans cross-referenced on the location plan should be provided and must show:

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The extents of the red site boundary
  • The location of peatland restoration measures including peat dams, drains, ditches, erosion features, etc. including a legend key
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan


Forestry (building or tracks)

Document or DrawingDescription
Application FormA prior notification application should be completed online on the e-planning website.
FeeThe current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website.
Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  •  A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  •  At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should be around the building and /or track and be shown as one continuous line
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings

Site Plan 

(existing and proposed version must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • The proposed building or extension clearly identified
  • The extent and materials of any hard surfacing, existing and proposed (e.g. gravel, slabs, tarmac)
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site.  Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
  • The location of all proposed drainage such as culverts
  • The route of access to the site from the nearest public road

If you are applying for erection or extension to an agricultural building this information must be submitted.  

Ideally at a scale of 1:100 or fully dimensioned. These must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar (if drawn to scale)
  • The proposed building or extension in relation to what is already there and show the whole building elevation
  • All sides of the development
  • Each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing
  • Material finishes
Floor Plans

Ideally at a scale of 1:50/1:100 or fully dimensioned. These must show; 

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar (if drawn to scale)
  • The layout and use of the floor area
Typical SectionsIf you are proposing the alteration or formation of access tracks typical cross sections must be submitted. 



Document or DrawingDescription
Application FormA prior notification application should be completed online on the e-planning website.
Land OwnershipEvidence that you have served written notice of the proposed development to any person (other than the applicant) who is an owner or agricultural tenant of the land forming any part of the site. 
Safeguarding AreasIf the site is located within a safeguarding area listed under 22(d) of Class 67 (GPDO), evidence that you have served written notice of the proposed development to the relevant parties.
FeesThe current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website.
Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  • At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red including the access as far as its junction with the public road
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

Site Plan

(existing and proposed version must be submitted)

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show;

An accurate and appropriate scale bar

  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • The proposed mast and associated works clearly identified
  • The extent and materials of any hard surfacing, existing and proposed (e.g. gravel, slabs, tarmac)
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  •  The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
  • The location of all proposed drainage such as culverts 

Ideally at a scale of 1:50/1:100 or fully dimensioned. These must show; 

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar (if drawn to scale)
  • The proposed mast and structures in relation to what is already there and show the whole site elevation
  •  All sides of the development
  • Each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing  


Demolition of a qualifying building (dwellinghouse, flat or building attached to dwellinghouse or flat)

Document or DrawingDescription
Application FormA prior notification application should be completed online on the e-planning website.
FeeThe current scale of fees for applications can be found on our website.
Rural Location PlanIf the building or site is located in a rural location, a 1:10,000 scale (or other suitable equivalent) location plan should be submitted. The plan should clearly show the nearest settlement and the location of the site should be marked or circled in red. The plan is not required to be Ordnance Survey based however you should clearly show where the plan has been obtained from and check the supplier's copyright policies before use.
Location Plan

At a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500 (or larger). This must show;

  •  An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The entire site and everything within at least 20m of the boundary
  • At least 2 named roads which are clearly identified and annotated
  • The boundaries of the site outlined in red. The red site boundary should be around the building and be shown as one continuous line
  • Any adjoining land in the ownership or control of the applicant outlined in blue, for example, paddocks, agricultural land or dwellings/buildings
  • Surrounding buildings accurately shown and numbered or named to ensure that the exact location of the site is clear
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan
Site Plan

At a scale of 1:200 or 1:500. This must show;

  • An accurate and appropriate scale bar
  • A north point
  • The site boundary clearly outlined in red to mirror that of the location plan submitted
  • All buildings to be removed clearly identified on the existing plan in red
  • The extent and materials of any hard surfacing, existing and proposed (e.g. gravel, slabs, tarmac)
  • The extent of all existing boundary treatments (e.g. gates, fences, railings, walls and hedges) including height annotations
  • The location and canopy spread of any trees on the site. Any trees to be removed as part of the proposal should be identified and annotated as such
  • The Ordnance Survey licence number to clearly show you have permission to use the plan

If you are proposing to repaint a building then this information must be submitted.

These must;

  • Show each elevation's orientations (North/East/South/West) based on the direction that the elevation is facing
  • Be recently taken and provided in colour



Tree works

Document or DrawingDescription
Application FormA tree works application should be completed online on the e-planning website.
Site Plan

At a suggested scaled of 1:200 or 1:500, a site plan needs to show the precise location of the affected trees in relation to nearby properties, roads and boundaries.

This plan must show:

  • The trees that are to be affected by the works, cross- referenced to the application form and descriptions, and tree survey report (if applicable)
  • Any tree preservation orders and their respective number
  • The position of the nearest buildings, and their names or numbers, and their approximate distance from the trees.
  • The named surrounding roads
  • Any relevant features on the site, for example, a greenhouse or paths

If there are many trees on the site, the plan must show:

  • All trees but only numbering those affected by works
  • The approximate distance between the trees and any buildings
  • Any relevant features on the site

If it is impossible to identify the individual trees accurately on the plan (for example, because they are part of a woodland or group of trees), please identify their approximate location on the plan and provide details of the how trees are marked on the site (for example, with high-visibility tape, tree tags, paint and so on). Do not mark trees by scarring or cutting into the bark.

Additional InformationIf your proposal involves the felling of a tree please provide justification for its felling. This can be in the form of a tree survey report from either a trained or professional arborist or tree surgeon. 



Last modified on 16 September 2024

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