Perth and Kinross Council directly provides and externally commissions a range of accommodation and related services. In addition, the Council directly provides and externally commissions a wide range of care and support services to enable individuals who need services to remain in their home or in a homely setting, living as independently as possible. To ensure that services are sustainable for the future it is necessary to charge people who use some of our services.
All income generated by charges contributes to service budgets and ensures the continued development and delivery of high-quality services. The amount you are asked to pay and the way that this is calculated is dependent on whether you are receiving care at home or in a care home.
Charging arrangements are based on a combination of legislative responsibilities, national COSLA and Scottish Government policy guidance, and local guidance.
Financial assessment and income maximisation
For the majority of Social Care services, the actual amount you are asked to pay will depend on your ability to pay. Clients will be offered a financial assessment which will look at their individual situation and a calculation will be carried out to ensure that people are not asked to pay more than they can afford. In some cases the calculation could show that no charge is due. As part of the financial assessment we will also work with you to ensure that you are receiving all the benefits and discounts which you are entitled to. To request an updated financial assessment or income maximisation at any time, please contact the Assessment and Charging Team on 01738 476888 or
Contributions towards Care Services at Home
The Self-Directed Support (Scotland) Act 2013 means that the care you can choose to receive is no longer limited to the services provided by the Council. Instead, support is tailored more specifically to help you achieve your own personal goals. The aim is to give you a lot more choice in the kind of care you receive.
Therefore, from 1 February 2014 rather than being charged based on the individual services you receive, the Contributions Policy means that you are asked to make a contribution towards the full cost of your overall care and support package - this covers all services which you are assessed as requiring to maintain your independence at home including flexible respite and planned short-breaks in a care home.
The Contributions Policy is the basis for evaluating your contribution to your care whether you choose Council services or other options. We will calculate your contribution based on the information provided in your financial assessment to make sure you are not asked to pay more than you can afford.
The key points of the Contributions Policy are:
- You will make one overall contribution towards your full care and support package.
- Your contribution will be based on your planned Personal Outcome Plan. This will be the plan agreed with your Social Worker to meet your personal goals. You will no longer be charged for the services you receive and you will be asked to contribute towards your care package even if you do not attend or receive services due to illness or holidays.
- The introduction of annual billing. You will receive one invoice per year for all of your non-residential care services with a four-weekly payment plan detailed on it. The preferred payment option would be Direct Debit.
In order to ensure that anyone who was receiving a service prior to the introduction of the Contributions Policy on 1 February 2014 would not be asked to pay more than they previously had, it was agreed that their contribution would be transitionally protected at their previous amount until such time as their care and support package is reviewed and changed. This means that anyone continuing to receive the same services that they were receiving on 31 January 2014 has their contribution calculated under the previous charging arrangements whereby they are charged a set charge for the actual services they receive. If these services include homecare and/or older people day services, these continue to be charged on a four-weekly basis rather than annually. Once any element of a person's planned care and support package changes, whether increased or decreased, their contribution will be calculated under the Contributions Policy detailed above.
Contribution towards a stay in a residential or nursing care home
Although Perth and Kinross Health and Social Care Partnership focus on helping people to retain their independence and to enable them to live at home for as long as possible, for those who are unable to safely remain at home, a move to a care home, whether on an emergency or long-term basis, may be the most suitable option.
Everyone has to make a contribution towards the cost of their care home fees and the amount you are asked to pay is based on Scottish Government Charging for Residential Accommodation Guidance. View more detailed information on Financial guidance for entering a care home.
Further information
If you have any questions about charging arrangements for Social Care services, please contact the Assessment and Charging Team on 01738 476888 or email
Financial assistance
Perth and Kinross Council has a dedicated Welfare Rights Team that provides a universal, free, confidential and impartial welfare rights advice and representation service to the residents of Perth and Kinross. The Team has online information which includes Benefits for older people, Benefits for sick or disabled people and carers and Benefits and bereavement.