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Detailed Privacy Notices

This page provides detailed Privacy Notices for some of the processes carried out by the Council which require individuals to supply us with personal information.

New Privacy Notices are added regularly. If you would like a detailed Privacy Notice for a process which does not appear on this page please contact the Information Governance team for assistance.  The Information Governance team can also help if you would like a copy of a detailed Privacy Notice in a different language or format.

Adult Social Care (PDF) [150KB]

Alcohol sales licenses (PDF) [200KB]

Animal licenses (PDF) [180KB]

Angel's Share (PDF) [176KB]
Children's Social Care (PDF) [148KB]  

Civic Government Licences (PDF) [184KB]

Click View (PDF) [50KB]

Community food growing map (PDF) [134KB]

Community link workers (PDF) [45KB]
Complaints (PDF) [45KB] Cost of living award (PDF) [136KB]
Cost of Living Payment (PDF) [177KB]

Council Tax - Levying and Collection (PDF) [145KB]

Customer relationship management system (PDF) [39KB]

Customer service centre - call recording (PDF) [39KB]

Depot and skip site located CCTV cameras (PDF) [48KB]

Digital participation research (PDF) [157KB]

e-Learning (PDF) [178KB]

Education for school and pre-school age children (PDF) [48KB]

Education psychology (PDF) [68KB]

Educational Trust payments to individuals 2021-06 (PDF) [177KB]

Email and web chat (PDF) [54KB] Employees (PDF) [169KB]
Financial systems (PDF) [45KB] Financial assessment (PDF) [45KB]
Food business operators (PDF) [48KB] Food fund financial assistance - Privacy Notice (PDF) [20KB]    
Free school meals, assistance with clothing and footwear (PDF) [38KB]

Freedom of information requests (PDF) [45KB]

GLOW learning portal (PDF) [184KB]  
Health and wellbeing census (PDF) [156KB] HMO Licences (PDF) [180KB]

Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Privacy Notice (PDF) [167KB]

Housing repairs (PDF) [183KB]

Insights discovery - staff only (PDF) [137KB]

Insurance claims (PDF) [47KB]
Internet of Things (PDF) [178KB]  

Kids Clubs online registration and booking (PDF) [132KB]

Kinship Care - Check of child (PDF) [153KB]

Licensing Enforcement (PDF) [25KB]  

Licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venue Consultation 2021-05 (PDF) [175KB]

Low income pandemic payments 2021-25 (PDF) [136KB]

Macmillan - Improving the Cancer Journey (PDF) [175KB]

Medically-prescribed diets and nut/peanut allergy (PDF) [49KB]

Missed domestic bin collection reports (PDF) [37KB]

Mortgages (PDF) [45KB]

Music tuition (PDF) [45KB]

Objections and representations to Licence applications (PDF) [182KB]

Pupil work experience placements - work IT database (PDF) [46KB]

Private landlord registration (PDF) [178KB]

Recording of calls to Criminal Justice Service (PDF) [176KB] Recruitment (PDF) [44KB]
Recycling centre permits (PDF) [36KB]

Recycling unit or bank - request to empty (PDF) [37KB]

Rent level options consultation (PDF) [179KB]

Report a dead animal (PDF) [37KB]

Report an issue with a public toilet (PDF) [37KB]

Roads and street lighting faults (PDF) [54KB]

Safer Schools (PDF) [186KB]  

School meals cashless catering (PDF) [48KB]

Scottish welfare fund payments (PDF) [44KB]

SEEMIS - main education system (PDF) [144KB]

Skills and Employment Initiative - Covid 19 Jobs Portal (PDF) [163KB]

Skills and Employment Initiative - Young people (PDF) [182KB]

Social prescribers (PDF) [44KB]

Social work payments (PDF) [156KB]

Staff surveys (PDF) [178KB]

Street cleaning request (PDF) [37KB]

Subject access requests (PDF) [36KB]

Sustained Emotionally Based Absence (SEBA) Project (PDF) [140KB]

Tenancy agreement (PDF) [46KB]

Tenant and resident participation (PDF) [44KB]

Tenant satisfaction pulse survey (PDF) [177KB]

Vehicle mounted CCTV cameras (PDF) [48KB]

Volunteers (PDF) [163KB]

Welfare rights team (PDF) [157KB]

Young person's NEC (PDF) [45KB]

Last modified on 28 August 2024

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