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The Duke of Edinburgh's Award at PKC

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award aims to inspire guide and support young people in their self-development and recognise their individual achievements. This is facilitated through enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programmes of personal development which are of the highest quality and the widest reach.

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award at PKC has the second highest number of participants in Scotland and the highest completion rate in Scotland.  Tayside also has the second largest number of expeditions occurring in its area compared to others in Scotland.  Young people can get involved in DofE programmes through local schools, youth organisations or in 'Open' groups within the localities of Perth and Kinross, and over 300 volunteers within 25 different units provide essential support in the delivery of The Award within PKC.  Statistical comparisons reveal that the numbers of units, volunteers, volunteer hours, participants and awards achieved has grown steadily year on year. We hope to continue this trend and aim to support the growing number of individuals who are involved in The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.  We strive to maximise the quality of the experience, legacy and positive impact of the DofE for individual participants, volunteers, staff and the local community.

Whether you are a prospective or current parent, participant, leader or volunteer take a look at our other pages and please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

What is involved in The Duke of Edinburgh's Award?

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a voluntary, non-competitive and flexible programme of cultural and adventurous activities for all young people aged between 14 and 25 years old, whatever their background or ability.

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