Your rent account is now available to view online using MyPKC.
You'll be able to see:
- Your rent account balance
- Transactions on your account
- Where your Locality Housing Office is
- A history of your housing repairs
- Other useful links related to paying your rent.
Accessing your account
If you have a MyPKC MyAccount, you will need the details on your rent card to hand to complete the registration process.
If you do not have a MyPKC MyAccount, click on the button below to register for an account. All you need is an email address.
Register for a MyPKC MyAccount
View a short video explaining how to register for a MyPKC MyAccount.
If you need any help or support with your rent account online, please contact your Locality Housing Office on 01738 476000.
Other services available using MyPKC
You can also use MyPKC to report your non emergency housing repairs, check your Council Tax account, report potholes or defective street lights, report a missed waste collection and for a range of other Council services.