What are they?
These placements are opportunities for young people to learn about working life and the working environment whilst continuing to develop their skills for life and work.
Who are they for?
Work placements are for senior phase pupils (S4, S5 and S6) with the priority given to those in their final year.
What does it involve?
As well as the established 1 week introductory placement in S4, there are also options for taster days, weekly timetabled opportunities and longer placements, sometimes called internships, which take place during holiday periods.
More information on how to prepare for a work placement can be found at Education Scotland.
What are the benefits?
Pupils benefit from a greater awareness of the world of work and employer expectations of young workers. It is an opportunity to develop valuable transferable skills and inform their decision making with regard to possible future pathways.
For employers, they are supporting their local community and the development of the young workforce. It keeps them in touch with young people and developments in education all of which can contribute to successful future recruitment.
Who can I contact for more information?
Pupils and parents should contact their school in the first instance. Each school has a Work Experience Co-ordinator.
Employers who wish to offer work experience can contact schools directly or email WorkExperience@pkc.gov.uk.