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Global citizenship

Global Citizenship can be organised under three broad headings: Education for Citizenship, International Education and Sustainable Development Education. These areas all contribute to developing active and informed global citizens who have a clear understanding of political, social, economic, environmental and cultural issues.

Through Global Citizenship Education, children and young people will learn the importance of and engage in:

  • making decisions and following democratic processes
  • the celebration and appreciation of Scotland's culture and of other cultures and traditions around the world
  • their environment, developing an awareness of the importance of bio-diversity, recycling and sustainability
  • learning about rights, responsibilities, values and respect
  • developing communication, creativity, critical thinking and collaborative skills.

Developing global citizens is a key concept for learning which permeates many of the experiences and outcomes of Curriculum for Excellence. It will often be used as a theme for inter-disciplinary learning.

For example:

  • Being involved in citizenship and volunteering activities in the local community is an aspect of Health and Wellbeing and can be linked to Expressive Arts and Literacy and English.
  • Pupil involvement in the democratic process might provide a meaningful context for learning about the main features of democracy and political and economic issues linked to Social Studies.
  • Links to Science, Technologies, Social Studies and Maths can be made when learning about renewable energy and sustainability.
  • Internet correspondence and eTwinning with schools in other countries allows for pupils to learn about and share their language, culture, history, geography and experiences.

Many schools in Perth and Kinross are involved in national award schemes and initiatives which contribute to the learners development as global citizens. These initiatives often provide opportunities for pupil voice to be heard, local community involvement and global links with schools in other countries.

In Perth and Kinross it is recognised that Education for Citizenship embedded within the school curriculum is fundamental to ensuring that our children and young people can play a full and active part in society.

More information can be found in the following sections.

Eco-Schools Scotland

Over 98% of Council schools are part of Eco-Schools Scotland, involving around 750,000 pupils, which makes Eco-Schools an invaluable opportunity to promote enduring mass behavioural change amongst young people.

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