We ask all local residents to report anyone they believe is committing benefit fraud.
It is fraud when people intentionally provide false information to make a claim for benefits, and it may also be considered fraud if a customer continues to receive Housing and/or Council Tax Benefit when they are aware that their entitlement may have changed. To make sure you are not accused of fraud, please report any changes in circumstances in your household as soon as possible.
Methods of Benefit Fraud
The following methods should be reported:
- undeclared partners
- non-occupancy of property
- contrived tenancies
- undeclared earnings
- undeclared savings and capital
- undeclared income
Reporting Benefit Fraud
Benefit Fraud can be reported confidentially and anonymously. All referrals are handled sensitively. A report of Benefit Fraud can be made through the following channels:
1) Online: www.gov.uk/report-benefit-fraud
2) Telephone: 0800 854 440 (textphone 0800 320 0512)
3) In writing: NBFH, PO Box 224, Preston, PR1 1GP
Punishment for Benefit Fraud
Consequences of fraud can include:
- full recovery of the overpaid benefit/reduction will be sought from the individual
- a local authority caution
- an administrative penalty
- criminal charges
- benefits may be reduced or stopped