There are restrictions to Local Housing Allowance (LHA) if you are single, under 35 and rent from a private landlord.
If you are under 35 years old, and live on your own renting from a private landlord, then the amount of housing benefit you are entitled to will be restricted in line with legislation.
This restriction will not apply if you:
- rent from a local authority or housing association
- are aged under 22 and have been in care
- live in supported housing provided by a housing association, registered charity, voluntary organisation
- get the severe disability premium in your benefit because you are entitled to the middle or highest rate of the care component of the Disability Living Allowance or the Daily Living component of either Personal Independence Payment or Adult Disability Payment
- receive your housing costs through Universal Credit and you are entitled to the middle or highest rate of the care component of the Disability Living Allowance or the Daily Living component of either Personal Independence Payment or Adult Disability Payment
- need an extra bedroom for a carer who provides you with the overnight care you need but who doesn't normally live with you
- have spent at least three months in a:
- homeless hostel
- hostel specialising in rehabilitating and resettling within the community
Last modified on 05 December 2023