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Planning notices and lists

The Scottish Government introduced some changes to planning legislation through paragraph 9(2) of Schedule 6, Part 3 the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 (the CV Act) which enables us as planning authority to use alternative methods for sharing weekly lists of planning applications validated and decided, and for making the public aware of applications which would normally have a notice displayed on site.

We no longer provide paper copies of the lists of applications validated and decided at public locations.  Instead, the weekly lists are published here each week.  You can also view these and other applications and lists via Public Access.   Site notices are published both here and at

On occasion, and where appropriate, other planning notices will be displayed here too.

Planning site notices

Site notices are required for a variety of reasons including incomplete neighbour notification, sites within Conservation Areas, development to Listed Buildings or affecting their settings and applications with Environmental Impact Reports. The notices identify the time period during which representations can be made to us in respect of the application.

Weekly list of valid planning applications

This is the list of all planning and associated applications that were validated within the period shown.

Weekly list of planning applications decided

This is the list of all planning and associated applications that were determined within the period shown.

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