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Planning notices and lists

Our weekly lists of applications that we've validated and those that we've decided, along with a live list of applications which require a site notice.

We no longer provide paper copies of the lists of applications validated and decided at public locations.  Instead, the weekly lists are published here each week.  You can also view these and other applications and lists via Public Access.   Site notices are published both here and at

On occasion, and where appropriate, other planning notices will be displayed here too.

Taymouth Castle Tree Preservation Order (No 1) 2025

The Council as planning authority has promoted a Tree Preservation Order to specifically protect 5 trees at Taymouth Castle, Kenmore.  Whilst this Order took effect on 4th February 2025, there is an opportunity for written submissions to be made prior to the planning authority deciding to confirm the Order.  The Promotions Notice contains information as to when comments must be submitted by, and to whom they should be sent. The Order contains details of the affected trees, relevant matters and a site map.

Planning site notices

Site notices are required for a variety of reasons including incomplete neighbour notification, sites within Conservation Areas, development to Listed Buildings or affecting their settings and applications with Environmental Impact Reports. The notices identify the time period during which representations can be made to us in respect of the application.

Weekly list of valid planning applications

This is the list of all planning and associated applications that were validated within the period shown.

Weekly list of planning applications decided

This is the list of all planning and associated applications that were determined within the period shown.

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