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View and comment on planning applications

View planning applications on our online planning system

You can also use the computers located in some local libraries.

Guidance on making comments

Public comments can only be accepted on certain types of application, including applications for planning permission, listed building consent and conservation area consent.  Comments received in accordance with the process below will taken into account. Submissions received after the period for comments has ended will be treated as 'late comments' and will not be formally recorded.  There is no opportunity for the public to comment on other application types such as advertisement consent, certificates of lawfulness or most prior notifications. 

How to submit a comment

After viewing the planning application, you can make a comment or object to it within 21 days of the formal notification date.  You can do this in a number of ways:

PAS (formally known as Planning Aid Scotland) provide free advice on all planning matters including making representations, for more information and to find out if your eligible for free advice visit the PAS website.

All comments must be accompanied by your name and full postal address as anonymous comments will not be taken into account.  Whilst some personal information such as your address, emails and phone numbers will not be published, your comments including your name will appear on a public document and be displayed for public inspection. If you have any questions please use our General enquiry form.

Comments which include remarks which are of a racist or otherwise offensive nature will not be considered, and the writer will be advised of our concerns and asked to amend their letter, or it will be withdrawn.

Because of the volume of correspondence we receive on planning applications, we cannot enter into detailed correspondence or discussions with individual objectors on the points they raise. The Council's statutory duty is to take account of comments received within the statutory period, not to reply to them. Accordingly, comments should not be in the form of questions but should be clear statements about areas of concern. You may however wish to support or oppose an application on conditional terms.

Comments taken into consideration

A material consideration is a matter that will be taken into account when deciding a planning application or on an appeal against a planning decision. This can include (but are not limited to):

  • Local, strategic, regional and national planning policies
  • Overlooking/loss of privacy
  • Loss of daylight or sunlight
  • Traffic
  • Noise
  • Effect on listed buildings and conservation areas
  • Design, visual appearance and finishing materials
  • Previous appeal decisions

Matters which cannot normally be taken into account include:

  • Matters controlled under Building Regulations or other non-planning legislation (e.g. structural stability, drainage details, fire precautions, matters covered by licences, etc.)
  • Private issues between neighbours (e.g. land/boundary disputes, damage to property, private rights of access, covenants etc.)
  • Loss of value of property
  • Loss of a view
  • Problems arising from the construction period of any works

PAS has published many Information Sheets including further information on material considerations.


You may send a petition of objection or support provided that:

  • Each page of the petition is headed with the aim of the petition
  • The names and addresses of those signing are provided and are readable
  • The comments are material in planning terms and are clearly stated
  • The name and address of the petition co-ordinator is included for receipt of acknowledgement and notification of the decision

Representations will normally be treated as petitions where there are three or more signatories on a single submission or where more than three representations with the same content but different names and addresses have been submitted, for example, pro forma template letters. In such cases, the first contributor will be considered to be the petition co-ordinator. 

For the purposes of requiring a decision to be referred to the Planning and Placemaking Committee under the Council's Scheme of Delegation, a petition only counts as one objection. Acknowledgement and notification of the decision will only be made to the petition co-ordinator.

After your comment has been submitted

We will acknowledge receipt of your comment before it is placed on the online planning system.

Your comments will be considered before a decision is made on the application. The case officer will summarise your comments in the report on the application and assess their relevance. The full letter will be available to the decision makers whether that is a senior planning official or Councillors.

We will inform you of the decision on the application. Some applications take a long time to decide so it may be a number of months before you hear from us. You can follow the progress of an application by registering on the online planning system.

What can I do if I am unhappy with the decision made?

There is no right of appeal for third party contributors to a planning application.

Last modified on 13 September 2024

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