Information on the preparation of the next Local Development Plan (LDP3) and how you can get involved.
Local Development Plan (LDP3)
We adopted our LDP in November 2019 and will now focus on gathering evidence that informs the next Plan (LDP3). Preparing the next Plan (LDP3) is a process that takes several years and allows all interested parties to shape the outcome.
The Planning (Scotland) Act 2019 introduced changes to the way in which Development Planning is carried out. This includes greater up-front engagement with communities and the introduction of Local Place Plans. Not all of the changes in legislation are in force and further regulations and guidance continue to be published by the Scottish Government. These will influence the way we present evidence and consult with communities.
What is going to happen next?
The Development Plan Scheme (2023) (PDF) [1MB] sets out our programme for preparing LDP3. Our Development Plan Scheme is reviewed at least every year to provide an up-to-date picture of how preparation of the Plan is progressing. The Development Plan Scheme was updated in November 2023.
We are updating our Development Plan Scheme and we are seeking your views on our Draft Participation Statement 2024 (PDF) [4MB] . We would welcome your views on our approach to consultation and engagement for the next Local Development Plan (LDP3). Please email us your views at by Friday 27 September 2024.
The first stage in the Plan is evidence gathering and engaging with communities. A programme of engagement called the Big Place Conversation took place in 2023 across Perth and Kinross to find out what communities like about their place, and what could be improved. Original collated comments from that consultation are available on our Big Place Conversation webpage. Summary reports for each area will be made available in October.
The next stage is to prepare the Evidence Report, which will identify the evidence to be used to help prepare the Proposed Plan. The Evidence Report is expected to be submitted to the Scottish Government for the 'Gate check' process during the second half of 2024. The Evidence Report will be informed by a range of topic papers that we will consult interested parties on.
How do I get involved?
Please email the team at if you would like to find out more or be kept updated about the Big Place Conversation results and the next steps of the Local Development Plan.