The Council produces a number of plans and reports that support service delivery and decision making. Here you can access the high level strategic documents and themed strategies which feed into the delivery of our corporate priorities.
Key corporate strategies
- Corporate Plan 2022/23-2027/28
- Community Plan (Local Outcomes Improvement Plan) 2022-2032 (PDF) [1MB]
- Transformation and Change Strategy
- Risk Management Strategy (PDF) [184KB]
- Procurement Strategy 2019/2020 (PDF) [1MB]
- Financial Strategy 2022
- Medium Term Financial Plan 2023-2029
- Treasury & Investment Strategy and Prudential Indicators 2021/22 - 2028/29
- Digital Strategy 2023-2027
- People and Culture Strategy 2024-28 (PDF) [1MB]
- Adopted Local Development Plan (LDP2)
Strategies to support tackling poverty
Strategies to support tackling climate change and supporting sustainable places
Strategies to support developing a resilient, stronger and greener local economy
Strategies to support enabling our children and young people to achieve their full potential
- Tayside plan for infants, children, young people and families
- Corporate Parenting Plan
- The Raising Attainment Strategy - Improving Attainment and Achievement in Perth and Kinross Schools
Strategies to support protecting and caring for our most vulnerable people
- Carers' Strategy 2019-2022 (PDF) [2MB]
- Community Justice Outcomes Improvement Plan (PDF) [726KB]
- Home First (Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan) (PDF) [764KB]
Strategies to support and promote physical and mental wellbeing
Strategies to support working in partnership with communities
- Community Learning and Development Plan 2021-2024 (PDF) [3MB]
- Gaelic Language Plan 2023-2028 (PDF) [530KB]
- Local Housing Strategy
- Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2024/25-2028/29 (PDF) [390KB]
- Common allocations policy
Last modified on 28 June 2024