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Offer in action - Locality Integrated Care Service (LInCs)

Supporting older people to remain at home for as long as they wish to is a team effort. Each individual will have their own needs and preferences, and will have access to varying levels of family support. 

Locality Integrated Care Services (LInCs) have been established in each of the three Perth and Kinross localities to provide a responsive multi-disciplinary support to older people living in the community whose condition is deteriorating. 

To make it easier for the individual and their family there's a single point of contact in each area. That one contact will be able to connect with a variety of professionals to provide the tailored response needed for that individual. GPs, social workers, community nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and social carers will all be involved as needed. 

By designing our ways of working around the needs of the individual and where they live, older people living in Perth and Kinross have been able to stay home for longer. Hospital and care home admissions have reduced allowing them to focus on the people who most need their support, and care is provided within the local community in a way that recognises the individual at the centre. 

Last modified on 30 November 2021

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